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Halo news back Saturday, July 10, 2004 Halo news forward

GNF - the start of Direct Downloads
In accordance with our plan, we've begun to make the first Going Nowhere Fast speedrun available via direct download. Over 1500 people have already grabbed the file via BitTorrent, so the load shouldn't be too heavy on our download mirrors... but there's still a LOT of bandwidth available, if it comes to that. The biggest surprise (for me, anyway) is the inclusion of archive.org, the folks who are basically attempting to archive the internet. They have an entire media section devoted to speedruns in video games, and have agreed to include the top 10 runs from this contest in their collection. On top of that, we have our normal mirrors (mythica.org, files.bungie.org, that weasel television) as well as ninjasonfire.com... and psyjnir.org is offering the speedruns via Hotline, for folks who don't like BitTorrent OR the web. All download links are being kept track of on the Status page we put up recently. The second level, Halo, will be made available via direct download on Monday. If you haven't gotten this yet, grab it now! (Louis Wu 19:02:12 UTC) (permalink)


Fiction Flood
Eep - busy with other stuff, no Fan Fiction update for 5 days... there are 29 new stories on the page. Sorry for the delay. (Louis Wu 13:57:32 UTC) (permalink)


My tunnel, my home
rockslider points out the final episode (for now) of Frontline with Suzie - a chat with Goldie. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:50:35 UTC) (permalink)


Freedom Blows
Apparently the Halo community missed last week's Subzero Rivalries, released on July 4th. Good to know traditions carry on... thanks to funkmon for noticing. (Louis Wu 13:30:18 UTC) (permalink)


He did it again, mommie. Make him stop. Make that bad BOLL man stop. (Move your mouse around if this post confuses you.) (Louis Wu 13:23:09 UTC) (permalink)


10 hours of dedication
Ducain points out a pretty darn cool video over on the HighImpactHalo forums - 4 banshees, 3 hogs... at the bottom of Halo. It's sort of funny... the last step of the video is 'now get yourself down there'. Until Frogblast solved this mystery, this was the HARDEST THING TO DO IN HALO - now it's just one step in a seriously impressive collection of stunts that lead to the finale. 5:22, 19.7 mb, WMP9 format. (Louis Wu 13:17:05 UTC) (permalink)


The Return of Squatting Bear
Many people have already noticed... but I've been pretty busy making the QuickTime versions, so I didn't get around to posting this yet. Fire Team Charlie has released Episode 13 today, for sponsors - and it's enormous. Hi-res versions are in the 150-170 mb range (depending on platform). DivX is up now, QuickTime will be up as soon as Andrew can move the file to his server. Monday and Tuesday, the low-res versions (~70 mb each) will be made available via BitTorrent, and midweek a direct download will be an option. It's 21 minutes long, and an amazing piece of work; if you're a member, go to Xbox Ottawa now and grab it! (Louis Wu 01:48:23 UTC) (permalink)


Dual-SMG-Toting Moms
MASSIVE update this week, on our very own forum - comments from team members who talk a lot, from members who have been conspicuously quiet for months, from weirdos you really didn't NEED to hear from. (Oh, wait, that's just Frankie. Who else would draw a speedo on the OUTSIDE of a suit of armor? Man...) There's some awesome stuff in there - read read read! (Louis Wu 00:00:30 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Not Exactly Our Greatest Diplomat
You, Your Crew, Halo 2 - Do the Dew.
Art Call
You're not my real dad.
They're gonna start calling him MC Hammer
Gamespy Roundup, Part 2
Halo 2 in UK pushed back?
Not Yet September 19
GNF - Phase Two

Thursday's news in brief:

Luckily, he can't do the tooth thing
What the FAQ?
Decoy Promo
Was my wife driving?
Streaming Tourney Footage
Those Wacky Bungie Guys
Bungie Day Wrapup
Halo 2 recap from Gamespy
Halo 2 Wallpaper theme - you decide
Halo 2 LE - for cheap
3D to the max

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
