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Halo news back Friday, July 9, 2004 Halo news forward

One One Se7en predicts another CENSORED experience with tonight's Weekly Update. No crystal ball needed there... (Louis Wu 22:31:22 UTC) (permalink)


Not Exactly Our Greatest Diplomat
Oops - it's been such a busy news day that regular features have slipped off the radar. Today's Halo: Resolution makes you wonder how Keyes got to be bossman. (Louis Wu 22:27:45 UTC) (permalink)


You, Your Crew, Halo 2 - Do the Dew.
Holy Last Minute Coolness, Batman! Bungie and Mountain Dew have teamed up for a fantastic contest; submit the winning photo showing you and your friends playing Halo and drinking Mountain Dew, in the next 5 days, and you could find yourself at Bungie Headquarters for a promotional photo shoot and a Halo 2 LAN party. Yes, you read that right - a Halo 2 LANfest for you and your buds. Go read all the rules - and get cracking; entries that aren't received by Midnight, Eastern Time, this coming Wednesday, are not eligible. (Remember, also, that you need to be able to get yourselves to Redmond, Washington, on July 17; transportation is not included. And you need to be 18 or older.) (Louis Wu 21:41:19 UTC) (permalink)


Art Call
SketchFactor has posted a note over on Bungie.net that artists and content creators might want to look at. The filmmaker behind the upcoming 'Making of Halo 2' documentary is calling for images and movies of fan-created artwork that MIGHT be included on the DVD in a Fan Art showcase. (Be aware that anything already on our site - in the Miscellaneous Art, Wallpaper, Movies, or Miscellaneous sections - has already been combed through; he's looking for unreleased or underexposed material.) Read the news post carefully for details about what's needed, and how to get it to him. And don't dawdle... time's a'wasting! (Louis Wu 20:10:01 UTC) (permalink)


You're not my real dad.
Red vs Blue episode 38, 'K.I.T. B.F.F.', is out now for sponsors (thanks, Brad and others). It's thirteen and a half minutes of hilarity - a truly fitting end to the season. We need the narrator guy from Soap to put together the summary for next season... because, man, it gets messy. (It's huge - 110-130 mb in hi-res, depending on your format choice. Just a warning.) (Louis Wu 15:49:14 UTC) (permalink)


They're gonna start calling him MC Hammer
You gotta love stuff like this. wopkins made a vid of the Master Chief breakdancing. (Guy's pretty coordinated, you ask me. YOU try that in battle armor.) He explains how in this post. The movie's quite small (1.6 mb, WMP9 format), and I've added a QuickTime version for those that need it (same size). (Louis Wu 12:28:31 UTC) (permalink)


Gamespy Roundup, Part 2
Gamespy has posted part 2 of its 'Halo 2 - Everything We Know!' article, with three more pages on dual-wielding and jacking, and destructible environments. (We mentioned Part 1 - the first 4 pages of the article - yesterday.) This one sticks to Halo 2 info, and consequently has less faulty Halo 1 info. (Louis Wu 10:01:25 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 in UK pushed back?
Whoa - this comes as news to me... VoodooExtreme is reporting that Microsoft has put out a press release announcing a UK release date for Halo 2 of November 11 - two days past the US date. This directly contradicts the Halo 2 FAQ at Bungie.net, which states clearly "Halo 2 will be released in the U.S. and Europe on November 9th, 2004." (I suppose it's possible that the UK might be considered separate from Europe, in Microsoft's eyes... but that seems odd.) We'll do our best to get confirmation (positive or negative) sometime today, and update this news item. Update: myles leadbeatter points out an article at GamesRadar that purports to explain the reason for the delay; a Tuesday release would require shipping stock to retailers by the end of the previous week, and Microsoft doesn't trust that these retailers would be able to resist the temptation to sell the game early. (Why this doesn't apply to US retailers, I'm sure I don't understand.) We're still waiting for word from Bungie themselves. Update 2: This has now been officially confirmed by Bungie. (Louis Wu 09:45:49 UTC) (permalink)


In the past month or two, we've started seeing pictures of a maskless grunt... and suddenly, the lovable creature we all knew and loved (albeit to kill, more often than not) was suddenly the stuff of nightmares. I no longer wanted a Grunt plushy. Tina Leyk has restored my faith in the cuddlyness of grunts - her latest piece can be found in her Fan Art collection (look for the 'added July 9' tag). It's summer, so they're on the beach. Now if only they'd put those guns down... (Louis Wu 08:56:23 UTC) (permalink)


Not Yet September 19
New Halo Babies comic up. Nautical theme. Avast. (Louis Wu 08:43:55 UTC) (permalink)


GNF - Phase Two
As promised, the second Going Nowhere Fast video is now available for download, via BitTorrent. (Once again, if you don't have BitTorrent, the client can be downloaded here.) gwdpto runs through the second level of the game in 15:29 - and while his technique for zipping through the 3 Marine rescue missions at the end might be... a bit unfriendly, there's no denying that it's really, really fast. You got to know when to fight... and when to walk away. RUN away. We'll be updating the Going Nowhere Fast pages with more info in the near future. (Louis Wu 08:31:47 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Luckily, he can't do the tooth thing
What the FAQ?
Decoy Promo
Was my wife driving?
Streaming Tourney Footage
Those Wacky Bungie Guys
Bungie Day Wrapup
Halo 2 recap from Gamespy
Halo 2 Wallpaper theme - you decide
Halo 2 LE - for cheap
3D to the max

Wednesday's news in brief:

Halathon - Halo to Marathon TC
Happy Bungie Day!
The Problem With A Space Elevator Is...
ISPS: Inter-Stellar Postal Service
More Megabattle Pics
GNF - Phase One
Dual Wielding in Halo

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