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Monday, June 30, 2003 |
PC mod starting up Dispraiser puts in a call for modders - he's starting work on a PC mod. He's got the beginnings of a Halo battle rifle already built - needs skinning, though. Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:21:50 UTC) (permalink) 
The WHAT team? Wow. Either someone's smoking too much crack... or something got leaked. A representative of ArtSource (a digital media staffing agency with an office in Seattle) posted to the CG Talk Hiring forum, with a request that reads in part: Are you a SENIOR 3D Max modeler (3+ years of work experience) with multiplayer map experience, texturing and game experience? Are you available for CONTRACT work in Seattle for 3+ months?
If you have an amazing reel of strong environment modeling, we need you to work with the HALO and MARATHON team. These positions start out contract but may convert to direct hire. Longtime Bungie fans might be going a bit berserk right now, given that 'Marathon team' reference... but remember one thing: right near the top of Bungie's very own Jobs page, there's a disclaimer: Note to Recruitment Agencies: In accordance with Microsoft's recruitment policies, Bungie does not accept applicants from recruitment agencies and will not pay a recruitment fee for any candidates. So: Is ArtSource working in a sanctioned way with Bungie (or Microsoft) - or have they flipped? And how real is the 'Marathon team'? Speculation is welcome on our forum, and if we get any harder information than this, we'll be sure to post it right here. (Thanks to Ian Mankowski for finding this gem.) Update: Evil Otto clears up the situation with a flat "there is no Marathon sequel in our plans at this time." Read his post for more details on how this might have come about. Thanks, EO! (Louis Wu 19:09:32 UTC) (permalink) 
Madness in Mad-City Elliott "zorg" Zastrow writes to point out that the Mad-City Halo Tournament (mentioned about a month ago) is coming along strongly - tournament date looks to be July 19, in Madison, WI. If you're a single player, they've got some resources on their forum for team-matching, to help you find a team to play on. Their website has lots more information. They're shooting for 40 teams - go sign up today! (Louis Wu 18:55:53 UTC) (permalink) 
On The Bubble Monday's episode of One One Se7en has been posted... and I wanna know, how do those guys have time for tomfoolery? (Louis Wu 14:56:59 UTC) (permalink) 
Safari users - spoiler control is yours, finally! Months ago, when the first Safari beta was released for OSX users, we discovered we had a problem... our spoiler cookies wouldn't set properly for Safari users. Luckily, a week later, a kind reader sent a fix; you could manually add the cookie to Safari's cookie list. It worked... but if you ever felt like changing your settings, you had to manually delete the cookie - and then re-add it to change it again. Not fun. Well, finally, Safari browsers are treated properly by HBO - thanks to Deimos Fawkes, of Subnova. You'll have to manually delete the platformchoice cookie if you've set it already using our Safari Fix instructions... but once you do, you'll have one-click access to spoiler swapping, just like all other browsers have. And about time! (Louis Wu 02:22:22 UTC) (permalink) 
Sunday's news in brief:
Saturday's news in brief: