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Halo news back Saturday, June 28, 2003 Halo news forward

Pillar of Art LAN party full!
The LAN party taking place in the latter half of the day during the Pillar of Art Gallery showing has filled up!

I'm sorry if you were hedging on whether or not to sign up for the party, as you have missed out on what is looking to be a really good time, but at least you can still make it to the Gallery itself and check out the cool art! (Ding 20:10:33 UTC) (permalink)


German online Halo tournament
Halo Orbit is organizing an online (via XBC) Halo tournament; check this forum thread or this news article. They suggest you come from a country near Germany, due to internet limitations... but other than that, there aren't any restrictions. (Louis Wu 12:33:59 UTC) (permalink)


Tribes screenies with MC
There are a significant number of shots of a Halo-related skin in use in Tribes over at the Tribes Battle Room Screenshots Collection; there's no easy way to point them all out, you'll need to go through his collection for yourself. As far as I can tell, these were taken using existing skins (there are at least two sets chronicled in our news database) - but it's fun to see the MC in other games. Thanks to Renzo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:42:28 UTC) (permalink)


Stick it!
Visitors to the E3 fanfest this year got their hands on a bunch of cool Bungie stickers. For the first time, Bungie is actually SELLING them at the Bungie Store now; there are five, ranging from a standard Bungie logo to the uber-cool Carnage Zone sticker. (You can even get your hands on the Webmaster sticker, which was NOT given out at the fanfest.) To keep it Halo-related, one of the stickers is the 'Flaming Ninja' sticker, inspired by a Jason Jones' quote and the unofficial mascot of Halo 2. Thanks to Jonah for being the first to notice on our forum. (Louis Wu 10:35:42 UTC) (permalink)


Making more of the Demo
As a number of people have pointed out, the Truth and Reconciliation site has been updated with Part 2 of the E3 demo behind-the-scenes series, as well as additional storyboards from the demo itself. (Count Zero 01:46:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo PC at Gen Con!
Gen Con Indy is taking place about a month from now, and those of you that want a taste of Halo PC have a huge incentive to attend! One of the events listed is a HUGE LAN where many different games will be represented, and Halo PC is going to make an appearance! Not just for standard playing... tournament playing!

More details to come! But in the meantime, if you want to pre-register, you have only a few hours left! (Ding 00:51:22 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Vast Volumes of Verbiage
What - like a spider?
Halo 2 summary
Halo Quiz still needs questions
A Halo PC League
MJOLNIR. Now With Headlamps.
I want one of those.

Thursday's news in brief:

Ooh, that weasel... he's got movies!
So THAT'S how he did that...
Hey, someone grab that!
Help wanted - no, NEEDED

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