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Halo news back Thursday, November 7, 2002 Halo news forward

More Movie Mirrors
Thanks to Pez, who has resurrected his FTP server, and added new mirrors for the Speed movies (both sizes) and Heaven and Hell. Speed's capped at a pretty low figure, but it should be fine for slower links. Thanks, Pez! (Louis Wu 20:57:33 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Novel Details
We haven't mentioned the next Halo novel in a while - since September 9, to be precise. At that point, we knew that the title would be 'Halo: The Flood', the author would be William Dietz, and the release date was set for sometime in April 2003. Now, thanks to Dave Candland, we know what it's about: Dave says "It will be the novelization of the game." I'm not sure if I should be excited, or disappointed... (Louis Wu 20:46:04 UTC) (permalink)


Man, those are purty.
How much would you pay for a Master Chief patch? How about a Legendary one? Warbow's just designing them, not actually producing them, but I bet if there were interest... (Louis Wu 20:35:42 UTC) (permalink)


Speed. Indeed.
In 1998, when people were stil playing Quake, a group of insane people decided to not only see how fast they could get through the entire game, but to put together their results in attractive, viewable packages. The result was Quake Done Quick. Now, nobody's EVER going to run through Halo in under 15 minutes (the unskippable cutscenes alone would take longer than that), but Inky and FeralBob of the Down Under group Crocodile Bungie, have done the next best thing; a movie called 'Speed'. Halo, start to finish, in a bit over 3 minutes. Yes, there are spoilers. (They're easy to miss if you blink.) There are two versions; a 25 mb, 300x240 copy (with a few small exceptions, very clear) and a 10 mb, 200x166 copy (compression artifacts are a bit higher, of necessity). You can find all current links on the Speed Mirrors page, and we're happy to add other mirror offers. (Louis Wu 16:40:42 UTC) (permalink)


Warthog Shopping Carts - Yeah, Baby!
The boys over at Battleground: Halo have wrangled a bit of time with the Master Chief, and have posted an interview with the guy. Always nice to get a view behind the curtain! (Louis Wu 15:38:48 UTC) (permalink)


Heaven and Hell mirror
GJ, of Fantazm, drops us a line about a mirror for Heaven and Hell... which is good, because there's another movie coming today. Let's hope Mythica can hold up to the demand! (Louis Wu 15:17:20 UTC) (permalink)


More pics, even.
Eclectic? Yes. For your viewing pleasure today, we've got a poster for a movie we'd rather not see, an early Christmas present, and an astounding (and huge) battlefield sketch in our Miscellaneous Art collection. (Louis Wu 15:13:10 UTC) (permalink)


New images for your screen
Bunch of desktops for you today... some cool backgrounds that poena.dare #CP# pulled from a GDC Talk that Marty O'Donnell gave last spring, and some weirdly-shaped collections from Gasmask. You'll find 'em all in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 14:55:54 UTC) (permalink)


Where you are, revisited
In February, poena.dare #CP# created a series of images for discussions on our forum that helped illustrate Halo's place in the galaxy, and your place in Halo. For some reason, though we mentioned them in the news, we never added them to the site itself. This has now been rectified; you can find all three images in our Miscellaneous section. (No, this is not linked on the main page there yet. It will be soon, I hope.) (Louis Wu 14:22:19 UTC) (permalink)


Silent Cartographer - Highs and Lows
Matthew Smith has put together a film he calls 'Heaven and Hell: The Top and Bottom of the Silent Cartographer'. It's 8:51 long, and weighs in at 24.2 mb. (It uses the DivX 4.02 codec to achieve this impressive feat, and is quite watchable.) It shows a number of things that have been filmed before (invincibility jumping, glitching the Shaft cutscene, dropship riding), but it also shows things not seen before, such as the bottom of the Silent Cartographer main shaft. (Not the Security override.) Did you know it was 851 feet down? This one caps our Silent Cartographer collection, I think... time to move on to other levels. Before you go, though, download and watch this! We've tossed a copy up at Mythica.org (thanks, as usual, to Brian Towne, for his terabyte+/month donation to the cause). If you've got the space... feel free to mirror this (and tell us about it). (Louis Wu 00:48:03 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

I love 'em, but they're wrong.
Difficulty badges, for sale cheap
Stories for a rainy day
Craig Mullins Stunner Available
November EGM Halo2 article online
Movies updated

Tuesday's news in brief:

Marines of Old...
Desktops to die for
Misc Art
Reading Material

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
