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Halo news back Thursday, October 24, 2002 Halo news forward

Rock On.
Warbow started a movie based off of School House Rock... but never really got anywhere. The splash screen is great, though. (Louis Wu 20:33:34 UTC) (permalink)


This makes what... three?
HaloJuggaloProductions has redone the site (again). There's a little bit of new content, even. (Louis Wu 20:27:19 UTC) (permalink)


Today's stories
Just a couple of Fan Fiction pieces for you today:

Go get 'em... (Louis Wu 20:10:13 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday Art 2
One Miscellaneous Art submission today... (Louis Wu 19:28:32 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday Art 1
Today's desktop submissions can now be found in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 19:19:51 UTC) (permalink)


Phoenix Artwork updated again
Pretty cool pic added to the Phoenix Posthumous Artwork page - though I'd have to question the text that goes along with it. look for dosaphoenix.jpg if the link doesn't take you all the way down to the bottom... (Louis Wu 17:58:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo50k survey up
dolbex points out that the Halo50K preregistration database is now online. It starts with a survey - they're trying to get an idea about how much interest there is. (After the survey, you're given a chance to preregister your team; this isn't the stage at which you need to pay or anything.) Stop by and fill it out! (Louis Wu 12:39:14 UTC) (permalink)


Tamte on Mac Halo - again
Gotta love it when the big boys are months behind. Today, Macworld UK posted an article about a talk they had 'recently' with Peter Tamte, president of Destineer Studios, and Bold, the company that will publish the Mac version of Halo. The information seems a tad out of date:

"Halo for the Mac will be released in summer 2003 simultaneously with the PC release, and will very much be a multiplayer thing. PC and Mac users will be able to play Halo online against each other. It's unclear yet whether it will be possible to play against Xbox users, because the Xbox uses a different set of controls."

Tamte went on to confirm that the Bungie team responsible for Halo is now working on Halo 2, and discussed the way the game is being ported: "Westlake is doing the Mac port. The company is working with the PC code produced by Gearbox for the PC port of the title. Westlake will begin work in mid-September".

That's what he told bungie.org's Freewill in July, Inside Mac Games in August, and MacGamer in September... and what's with the future tense about the Westlake start date? (Well, to be fair, the possibility that the PC and Xbox versions might be able to play together is new; up until now, the answer has been a flat-out 'no'.) Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for the heads-up on this one. (Louis Wu 12:16:26 UTC) (permalink)


More Bootcamp writeups
Since the Xbox Live Bootcamp summary went online yesterday, two other writeups have come to light. (One was just published, the other I just found.) We'll be keeping up on these; as new ones come up, we'll add them to the list. In theory, there will be about a dozen when all is said and done. Right now there are 8. (Louis Wu 09:33:27 UTC) (permalink)


Man, how cool is that?
Dang, and it's times like these I wish I had a webcam. BOLL has created yet another Flash masterpiece; this one's a bit larger (640K), and requires that you have a webcam attached to your PC... but if you do, you can put your own face behind the visor of the Master Chief! (Three different image options.) Check it out. (Louis Wu 09:22:12 UTC) (permalink)


Running Riot Invitational gets pretty
Emildux has written up the Running Riot Invitational Summary, complete with pictures - this was the $1000 first prize competition we mentioned recently. Take a look! (Louis Wu 09:16:53 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Check out that grenade-assisted tank jump!
Xbox Live Bootcamp
Questions (and answers) about Phoenix
New Halo vid at BSP
A sad, sad story
PlanetGameCube checks out Xbox Live
Another look at Halo 2
Jester Speaks
Tuesday's Artwork, part 2
Michigan Tourney, coming up!
Tuesday's Artwork, part 1
They don't die, they start up indie presses

Tuesday's news in brief:

Let the Carnage Begin!
Um... Robocop?
They came, they played, they kicked tuchus.

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