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Halo news back Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Halo news forward

Check out that grenade-assisted tank jump!
This came in a little while ago, but I forgot about it. :( Jiberish Halo Productions has put together a little vid called 'Halo - Session'. It's in .wmv format, 2:31 long, and weighs in at 12.5 mb. Mostly, it's a demonstration of what you can do with 400% health, a lot of rockets and grenades, and some careful shooting. We've put it up on mythica.org. If you like this, visit Jiberish's video page; there are a number of other similar films. (Louis Wu 20:44:09 UTC) (permalink)


A happy birthday wish to Stefan Sinclair! (Earlier today, the Bungie webcam text read 'HappyBD2me :O)' - it's since been shortened to ':O)'. *Ar-Isildur speculated from the smiley that this was written by Stefan... and a quick check confirmed this.) Have a Surly Dwarf Ale for all the fans! (Louis Wu 20:15:24 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox Live Bootcamp
Took way too long (what else is new?), but the Xbox Live Bootcamp article is finally online. I was invited (along with 14 or so other people from around the country) for 'Xbox Live Bootcamp', an in-depth look at the Xbox Live gaming service, and what it means for Microsoft. A day in Seattle (plus two days traveling) last week... read my thoughts on the subject! Comments, as always, are welcome on our forum. (Louis Wu 19:06:37 UTC) (permalink)


Questions (and answers) about Phoenix
Not really Halo-related, but PBO doesn't have a news-posting mechanism (and even I'm not stupid enough to build something like that for a game that's already been canned) - Rampancy.net has posted a short Q&A with Matt Soell about Phoenix, and the project that has replaced it. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:52:32 UTC) (permalink)


New Halo vid at BSP
New video at Blackstar Productions this morning. It's by Ben Dussault, and it's in the vein of BSP's Halo movies; inspiring music and Halo gameplay. 480x274, 1:30 long, 19.1 mb big, in QT format. Check it out! (There are a couple of movies we'll be posting soon, as well.) (Louis Wu 14:54:03 UTC) (permalink)


A sad, sad story
Sometimes, people just get too attached to what they're doing. Pity them. (Louis Wu 14:48:34 UTC) (permalink)


PlanetGameCube checks out Xbox Live
Heh - another Xbox Live Bootcamp writeup comes online - this time from Billy, at PlanetGameCube. It's an interesting view of the whole shebang; he picked up on a lot of negative stuff I never even saw, one of the advantages of multiple viewpoints and backgrounds. It's Halo-related only in the fact that some of the pics have Bungie personnel in them. (The picture labeled 'Inside Bungie' shows Chris Butcher giving an impromptu talk on the Halo 2 AI, with Marcus Lehto (seated, all the way in the back) looking on. That's Ed Fries right in front of the big geeky-looking old guy. There's also a shot of Marty that should never, ever have seen the light of day. Thanks to Freewill (and Infininight) for pointing this puppy out. (Yes, the HBO writeup will be up soon. Really.) (Louis Wu 14:36:43 UTC) (permalink)


Another look at Halo 2
Ferrago.co.uk has put up a Halo 2 preview - a nice overview of the current info. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:17:24 UTC) (permalink)


Jester Speaks
Bungie.net has put up an interview with Jesse Tribby, a Halo fan and Psyjnir Complex staffer who has been working really hard to make the iGames Halo Winter Season come together. If you're curious about how some of the decisions were made, read this. It's not often that a major competition like this is actually organized by hardcore gamers... usually it's the money boys, looking for the angle. (Louis Wu 12:25:12 UTC) (permalink)


Recent Fan Fiction:

If the torrent of stories and artwork ever slows, I might even get a chance to finish the writeup on Xbox Live Bootcamp. :( (Louis Wu 03:40:43 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's Artwork, part 2
Three more desktop images for you in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 02:16:12 UTC) (permalink)


Michigan Tourney, coming up!
Another team tournament for you, in Michigan... The ACM Microsoft Michican Halo Tournament. This one's 3 vs 3, takes place on November 7, and the entrance price is a measly $5/person. Check out the details, and sign up if you're local! (This was announced on our forum.) (Louis Wu 02:10:17 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's Artwork, part 1
Pair of new art submissions; another SA-style sketch from Gasmask, and a pretty slick vignette from David Glen Walker. Check our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 02:06:29 UTC) (permalink)


They don't die, they start up indie presses
Whoa, random info. Hot on the heels of a discussion over at Subnova about who'd left Bungie recently, we got mail from Matt Segur, a programmer on the Halo team who left after Halo shipped. He's got a brand-spankin' new mixed-media publishing company called Ghostweed Press, and they're currently selling a book and a CD. The music's pretty good... go check 'em out, and see what happens to Bungie expatriates - after they receive "the operation"! UPDATED: The discussion in question was held in a private forum; the link that used to be in this post would deny access to pretty much everyone so it was removed. --CZ) (Louis Wu 01:18:55 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Let the Carnage Begin!
Um... Robocop?
They came, they played, they kicked tuchus.

Monday's news in brief:

Something Important, yes, sir!
Halo for UT 2K3
Gotta get me one of them...
A couple of days' worth of fiction
Carnage in the Hills
Monday morning desktops
HBO banners for you
More Phoenix stuff
What is the groundspeed of an unladen warthog?

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
