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May 30, 2004 Link to this post Large vids showing... stuff. Blade writes to point out that he's posted Episode 2 of his 'Blood Gulch Experience' on his Teamhalo website. (Free registration required.) This is 8:28 of standard gameplay on Blood Gulch, weighing in at 51 mb in WMP9 format. The point, it seems, is to show how much better Halo looks on his new Radeon 9200 video card. Um... okay. And there's a video posted in his forum - even bigger (98.8 mb, 16:18 long), showing gameplay using NiTrOuSoXiDe's Halo 2 mod (version 5.5, released recently) - the gameplay's nothing special, but it's nice to see the mod in action. This one doesn't require registration to get. (Louis Wu 11:30:50 UTC)