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May 27, 2004 Link to this post Halo breaks the mold Adam Daniel found an interesting article on the New York Times website (free registration required) which discusses movie-to-game licenses, and why most of the games don't work. Halo is held up more than once as an example of how the model (that you need brand recognition, either because your game has a precursor or because it's based on a mass-market item like a movie) is flawed. Adam points out that we (online Halo fans) get props: "Everyone is trying to make gaming more mainstream, but it's still the hard-core gamers that get it started. Look at Halo. That's not a franchise sequel or a licensed property, but the word of mouth from the hard-core community really drove the larger market and made it the success that it is." Nice! Go read. (Louis Wu 15:48:17 UTC)