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May 20, 2004 Link to this post LE availability researched When the Limited Edition box set was originally announced, Halo forums across the net were flooded with folks outside the US worrying anxiously about whether it would be available internationally, and whether it would be available in PAL format. There's still been no official confirmation - but some investigation by fans would suggest that non-US residents have nothing to worry about. Mogwong found the LE announcement on the Australian site, with a clear 'Limited Edition Halo 2 to be Available for Pre-Order' headline at the top (something that would have gotten pulled from the original before placing it on the AU site if it WEREN'T to be available), and Ciarán found a pre-order page at Gameseek (and another at Alcom Electronics in Switzerland) offering a PAL version of the LE box for preorder. Combined, it looks like the Limited edition will be available worldwide, and in both formats! (Remember, it's pre-order only; once Halo 2 is released, you probably won't be able to find it.) (Louis Wu 14:46:36 UTC)