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May 13, 2004 Link to this post Off for a bit. I'm sure there's a BOATLOAD of notable stuff on our forum, posted in the last day or so. I wish I had time to go through and sort it for you. I will, eventually. Just not right now. I'm off to the airport, to hop an early flight to LA. (I live a long way from the airport.) I'm traveling with Ding and Count Zero, and we're meeting up with mnemesis and Cybrfrk at the other end... so most of the HBO crew will be at the show. News coverage for the next few days will be spotty - but we'll do our best! If you've mailed stuff in, and we didn't get to it... PLEASE be patient. We'll try, but I'm SURE stuff is gonna slip through the cracks. (Louis Wu 07:13:00 UTC)