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March 15, 2004 Link to this post WE CANNOT POST SCANS OF CURRENT MAGS Please - to the dozens of people sending us links to the hi-res scan of the latest OXM issue (with the new 'Snowblind' screenshot): our policy is exactly the same as it always was. We do NOT post images from, or links to, scans from magazine issues that are still on the newsstands. In this case, they're not even on the newsstands yet; the issue doesn't officially come out for a few days. Folks putting up scans are subscribers, who get the magazine early. Please don't take money out of the pockets of magazine creators; do it enough, and there won't BE any more magazines to scan. Bungie will be releasing a hi-res version of that picture on their website as soon as the latest issue of OXM is on the shelves... please, please be patient. (Louis Wu 20:35:58 UTC)