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December 18, 2003 Link to this post

Wow. Just... wow.
Okay, so this one's WEIRD. Late last week, we got mail from Billy Oliva, talking about a bizarre glitch in Truth and Reconciliation (the third campaign level). Right after entering the ship, he came across a stack (literally) of covenant, piled up against a door, waiting to attack. he sent screenshots... but they were small, and not great, quality-wise. I held off, because I wanted to see if I could reproduce this. 24 hours later, we received ANOTHER mail, this time from AfroRyan, claiming to have found the same thing, in the same place. I was really suspicious, because not only did he send similar pictures, but they were the same (non-standard) size, and with the same filenames as those sent by Billy. (Afro, I apologize for not believing you. :) ) Then, 24 hours later, Ben Roth posted pictures he found on the Gearbox forums, showing THE SAME THING. Both Billy and AfroRyan sent in saved games... but it took me until today to find time to reinstall 1.03 (1.031 hosed saved games, so I couldn't use them). I made films from both saves - but the one you'll see came from AfroRyan's save, because he had TWO piles of baddies, not just one. I took much more footage than can be seen in this film... but most of it is useless; if you get too close to the piles, framerates drop into the low single digits, you can't tell you've thrown grenades until they explode (usually ON you), and there's no way to manouver. The save I was given was on Easy - you'll see why that's a GOOD thing after you watch the movie. Here's the movie; 45 seconds worth, enough to show you some out-there piles o' baddies. It's QuickTime format, 640x480 (so you have a good view), and weighs in at just over 10 mb. You can also grab AfroRyan's profile (with the savepoint inside) - 2.1 mb - if you want to play with it yourself. (You MUST work with HPC 1.03, not 1.031, to use this. Drop the unzipped folder into your savegames folder, and you're set to go.) Thanks to both these guys - Billy was first with the notice, but again, his bucket-o-covies was smaller, so I didn't use it. I'm guessing something was accidentally changed during the 1.03 patch development process... because I saw no reports of ANYTHING like this before now. (Louis Wu 00:57:05 UTC)

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