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January 6, 2000 Link to this post MacWorld Helps Unveil Some Storyline Freewill threw a party at Club-I on Wednesday night, and lots of Bungie folk showed up. One side benefit for Halo fans: a goodly chunk of the backstory got fleshed out. Kudos to Xzzy for the synopsis, since I actually didn't make it there in time to hear it firsthand myself. (Any errors should be assumed to be mine. Too much wine tonight.)
Humans and the Covenant meet by accident in open space, while on expansion missions. The Covenant conquest line heads directly for Earth, so humans decide to try and stop them. There is a huge space battle, in which human forces are decimated. One human ship survives, and its commander, a woman, decides to send her ship off on a random course, to confuse the Covenant. Her people go into stasis for the journey, and come out of stasis in the Halo system. Another space battle ensues, and the human ship is destroyed. Humans eject in the hopes of saving their lives, and find landfall on the Halo, in disarray. You play a highly advanced cyborg trying to turn the tide of a mountain of Covenant soldiers.
(Louis Wu 07:35:27 UTC)