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January 3, 2000 Link to this post

We received a rather strange message tonight, from Halo-Net and the Nether Legion:

Intercepted incoming transmission... 
message subject: You really need to stop your struggling...  

Hello again, you know, I've been talking to the zealots and your  
little encampment may be doomed, of course that depends on just how  
willing you are to struggle. Once again they will be outnumbering you,  
but that's hardly new is it? At least this time your compatriots are  
as well engineered as you are..  

In the immortal words of Hyde "duck" 
.end intercepted transmission 

Bored enough to make up news, or is something more sinister going on? ( doesn't resolve as an IP address, although it is pingable. It doesn't respond as a server, for what that's worth.) (Louis Wu 06:24:33 UTC)

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