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August 15, 2003 Link to this post Poor Sir Dan We haven't posted a new movie for you to watch in some time; partly, that's because bandwidth has been really tight since Mythica went offline in late July (though it should be back soon...), and partly it's because there haven't been a lot of submitted movies. However, there was one in the queue from mid-July that never got posted - we figured we'd put it out there now. This was an early effort by Athol Productions (makers of Enter the Matrix, Blair Witch Halo, and other enjoyable Halo vids). It's called 'Sir Dan is a Newbie' and it has Mike making fun of his brother (who, he says, is actually quite good in reality). It's 2:04 long, 7.7 mb big, and in WMP7 format. It was a 'personal video', but several friends convinced Mike to release it publicly - I'm glad they did. It's pretty funny, and production quality is quite high. Enjoy it! (Louis Wu 14:31:03 UTC)