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August 14, 2003 Link to this post

Halo (and Halo 2) goodness at Lanwerx
Lanwerx, a gaming center in Washington state, is hosting a Halo event in their Bellevue store on August 23rd. (It's being put together by the boys from Penny Arcade, so we've received mail from a dozen people giving us the heads-up about it...) Hijack mentioned it on our forum, and SketchFactor clarified what the 'bit of Halo 2' mentioned by Gabe will be:

We'll be playing through a live version of the E3 demo and possibly bringing another surprise.

Sounds like if you're gonna be near Bellevue next Saturday, Lanwerx is gonna be the place to be! (Louis Wu 21:48:13 UTC)

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