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August 6, 2003 Link to this post

Outer Limits
MaverickJ, a trickster who's released some pretty impressive movies (and who ran Project Spartan, a showcase for Halo skill), has created another movie - this one is called 'Outer Limits', and it probes some of the out-of-map areas that can be found on popular multiplayer maps. Some tricks have been shown before, some are new. Some are useful in multiplay (assuming your opponents haven't banned them), some are just plain cool to see. 4:09 long, 15.7 mb big, QuickTime format. (There's a WMP9 version, as well, but no bandwidth to host it.) We're still working on a more permanent solution, but in the meantime, Project C.O.E.R.C.E. continues to make new Halo flicks available to the public by pooling bandwidth resources of a number of hosts. (If you've got, say, 50 gb/month of bandwidth you can spare, by all means, contact gwdp....to (he's GOT to get an easier name to write) and toss your name into the ring! Go visit C.O.E.R.C.E. today and grab your copy of Outer Limits. (Louis Wu 13:37:42 UTC)

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