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August 6, 2003 Link to this post

Lame, lame, lame...
Well, it's time for the Seven Day Poll to come to a close - and if you hadn't noticed, 'Wait for me!' was the runaway winner of the 'lamest Crewman voice snippet award', garnering 62% of the 8200 votes (beating its nearest competitor by by almost 3300 votes). Interestingly enough, I just discovered today who did that snippet... and while I probably shouldn't say WHO it was, I can definitely tell you I was surprised. (None of the other snippets in the poll were voiced by the same actor.) We'll consider resurrecting the Seven Day Poll again if we run across something we think worthy of voting on... in the meantime, I'll leave this data up until tomorrow. (Louis Wu 02:34:34 UTC)

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