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July 30, 2003 Link to this post New dialogue snippets... and a poll Large submissions to the Dialogue Databank recently from c0ld vengeance and Captain Spark - you'll find another 54 snippets today, bringing the total to a chunk over 500. (Before any of you get on my case about some of these being scripted - yes, a couple are, but they're not triggered 100% of the time, so I deemed them valid for inclusion.) I decided to resurrect the 7 day poll, because a couple of the crewmen lines I heard recently actually made me laugh out loud, they were so bad... so the question is: what is the lamest crewman snippet in Halo? You guys have a week to vote - the lines in the poll actually lead to dialogue snippets (which will open in a new window), so you can listen to the options before casting your vote. There were a few that were lamer than these... but they were too long to fit nicely into the form. (How's THAT for a scientific survey?) Lastly - I've got my fingers crossed, it's been about 3 years since I wrote any poll code... I'm HOPING this works. :-) (Louis Wu 03:25:52 UTC)