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September 29, 2009 Link to this post

Microsoft Responsed to Disc Read Error Complaints
Microsoft has responded to the 'Unreadable Disc' issue that some gamers have encountered with ODST - they've told Eurogamer that they "are aware of a very small number of people who are reporting they can't play the game", and that they "are looking into it, but at this point it doesn't appear to be a widespread issue." Joystiq weighed in, saying that when they surveyed their readers, asking if the players "had technical issues" with their copy of ODST - nearly a third of the 5600 respondents said "yes". Joystiq suggests that the problem is bigger than Microsoft is letting on. (Something to keep in mind - many, many MANY people are having trouble with LIVE-based Firefight - in fact, I don't think I've talked to ANYONE who has not experienced SOME issue with it - and it's quite possible that many of the people who answered Joystiq's poll were not talking about disc read errors when they said that they'd experienced technical issues with ODST.) (Louis Wu 15:32:28 UTC)

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