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April 12, 2001 Link to this post

Preview (sort of) at eUniverseGames
Thanks to Aginor, who noted (on our forum) that there's a new Halo preview over at eUniverseGames.com. Pretty clearly written by someone who didn't do their homework - screenshots are 18 months old, team list more than a year out of date (and not attributed to its source), and comments like this:

For instance, say some annoying fool is snipering your teammates you from a nearby hill, you jump in the nearest truck and drive up to the sniper, get out of the car and cut him up with your knife or shoot him with your AK-47. Then you get back in your ride and a teammate sees you, he jumps in the car and becomes the gunner and takes down other peeps who are in range or enemy aircrafts.

- it's still a pretty positive review of a game we're ALL waiting for. (Louis Wu 17:34:20 UTC)

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