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March 31, 2001 Link to this post Latest Gamestar contains Halo article Massa, of Halo Network, has grabbed a copy of Gamestar, a German gaming mag, and has passed along some interesting news. First, the movie on the cover CD is actually a combination of the first (very short) video that appeared on Microsoft's Gamestock page for a short while, plus the Gamespot video... albeit higher quality than either of the web-released versions. Second, a couple of facts that he found intriguing: The first thing is that they mention an actualĂrelease-date for the PC version wich is set for Q2/2002, which they claim is 6 months after the release of the Xbox version. The second thing is that they claim that there will be a "Star-Wars-like Jetbike" for the Humans. That could be the equivalent for the Covenant's ghost.
Good stuff... if you can get your hands on that mag, it might be worth picking up. Thanks, Massa! (Louis Wu 11:24:18 UTC)