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March 20, 2001 Link to this post Gamestock impressions from PlanetXbox Gawd... the every-day-checking of the PlanetXbox site for their promised hands-on report has finally paid off! There's some good discussion about the ease of transition to a console controller (they liked it), and a nice description of the mission itself... but the little tidbit that stood out for me was their description of the Halo as ...a giant world that, as Jones explained, spans over 10,000 kilometers in diameter.
A bit over a year ago, Matt Soell, in answer to a direct question about the size of the Halo, sent this: I got an answer of sorts to the miles/kilometers question. Turns out that none of the figures discussed so far are accurate. Jason claims to not know where the 10,000 figure came from, as he's still doing the math.
If PlanetXbox's comment is literally true, it seems Jones has settled on the figure after all... Go read the whole thing for yourself! (Louis Wu 10:06:08 UTC)