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March 18, 2001 Link to this post

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"After taking out some aliens with the mounted gun and running over a few more..."

The Action Vault Gamestock report should make some of our forum regulars happy - running over enemies has been high on the list of requested features. There was also an interesting quote from Jason Jones, that must have come from the media availability session, since it didn't appear in the Gamespot UK interview:

"To dodge the multiplayer question a bit, there's going to be a whole bunch of graphic differences because we don't have to deal with the loading, we don't have to deal with the ATI boards, for example. That was a pain in the ass back in the PC days. Even though the Xbox has built-in Ethernet, the PC has this huge installed base of freaks that play Counter-Strike and Quake and all that on the net all the time, so you might find some multiplayer differences too, but we're really thinking about the Xbox experience right now. We're so damn busy dealing with pressure, trying to get it ready that we don't think about what the differences are going to be."

That's about as up-front as we've heard in terms of how the team is thinking about PC development. Other Gamestock roundups include Happy Puppy (they didn't get to play it, so there's not much there) and Gameweek (a short generic description of the game). Thanks to R.net for doing the digging to find these. (Louis Wu 16:56:05 UTC)

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