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March 17, 2001 Link to this post

Halo around the net
Looks like a bunch of gaming sites finished the week off by putting up their Halo reviews. Gamesmania has a pretty positive take - sounds like the AI is really coming along:

The AI of both your enemies and your allies is looking pretty good. Enemies will take cover during a fight, investigate noises and bodies of fallen comrades (it looks like bodies stay, if not permanently then for a good long while). If they catch and then lose sight of you, they will investigate your last known position.

GamePro has a short synopsis... they liked it a lot, and I hadn't ever seen this piece of trivia before:

In addition, two players will be able to play through the story in cooperative mode.

Now THAT sounds like fun. :) Finally, GamePen has an upbeat paragraph:

Even on a television, the game is gorgeous.Ê

We're still waiting on the PlanetXbox review - they say it'll be up today. (Thanks to R.net for the heads-up on a couple of these.) (Louis Wu 18:54:13 UTC)

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