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March 15, 2001 Link to this post

Another first-person account
Thanks to Char (IMG), who noted on the R.net forum that this thread in the ign.com forum contains another hands-on review of Halo, from a Team 17 member who was at Gamestock. His final summary:

he Conclusion: Everything I thought it would be, and more! It was so visually stunning on the Xbox. The jeep, the player, the aliens, down to the waves, all of it was so jawdropping. I was impressed to say the least.

Questions Answered: The presentation briefly discussed Halo singleplayer and the online features of the game. This should clear up anything with this strange rumor saying that there is no multiplayer. They also mentioned the split screen coop and deathmatch modes if it's just you and your friends.

Good news,that! Go read the rest - there's more in his post, and more in the thread, about controller use, among other things. (Louis Wu 02:18:41 UTC)

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