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March 14, 2001 Link to this post Troubling news about multiplayer Thanks to both Kyle Konrat and Bongo, who wrote to tell us that the Gamespot article mentioned below contains some troubling words about multiplayer: Howard also said that Bungie currently has two people working full time on Halo's multiplayer component, although the company still hasn't decided exactly how or if it's going to support multiplayer for the game.
That would be a great disappointment to a great many fans... In lighter news, the article describes two weapons that should be immediately obvious to any long-time Bungie fans: For instance, while the assault rifle we were playing with is undoubtedly an offensive juggernaut, it does suffer from a few drawbacks, such as an inconsistent spread and high rate of ammo expenditure. Likewise, while the Covenant energy weapons effectively have unlimited ammo, they do overheat very easily.
Sounds an awful lot like the AR-75 assault rifle and the Zeus-class fusion pistol from Marathon, doesn't it? Okay, back to watching that second movie - the waves are amazing. (Louis Wu 13:45:02 UTC)