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March 13, 2001 Link to this post

Hi-res shots, preview at DR
Wow. Daily Radar has the shots, as well... but they're HUGE. 1920x1440 pixels. You want Hi-res, you got hi-res!!! The preview they go with is worth a read, too...

The gameplay seems to be developing as quickly as the graphic improvements. The world is now populated with an interesting and imaginative assortment of alien varmints, many bent on your destruction. The single-player game is awe-inspiring, taking you all around the gigantic artificial ring-shaped world on a quest to defeat an alien race known as The Covenant. You'll engage them in straight-out blasting duels, attack Metal Gear-style in complete stealth, or even commandeer heavily armed vehicles to launch more destructive attacks (those vehicle modes switch to a third-person view).

Go read about it! (Louis Wu 21:17:01 UTC)

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