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March 4, 2009 Link to this post

Comic Wednesday
Comic Roundup for the morning:

  • Adam Susskind stopped in yesterday afternoon with word of Chaos Theory 14 - Truths from a Saint. His description sounds complicated!
  • Hawty McBloggy reminded us that it's Wednesday, so it's time for another episode of ODS Steve - Episode 16 is called 'A Shade of Earl Grey', and it provides one possible explanation for how Gears of War came into existence.
  • TTL Demag0gue had word of not only Reclaimer 161 (with the naming of another member of the Cavalcade), but also a contest - come up with a new set for Reclaimer, using Sandbox, and you can win a bunch of goodies! Read the contest page for full details - both of the rules and the prizes.

Need some coffee for those funnies? Update: Somehow I missed Shipwrecked Episode 57 - sometimes you just gotta run. (Louis Wu 13:51:03 UTC)

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