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March 1, 2001 Link to this post

Dreamland going under - can you help?
Okay, this is totally unrelated to Halo, and that means we usually stay away from it. Seems to be a good cause, though... Neil Grattan, a frequent contributor to the fan-built sections around this site, writes

Mythos (the creators of the xcom series) are in extreme trouble, and are facing liquidation. I myself hold no links with them apart from being an avid follower of their games for many years. The one thing that I wish of your community is perhaps a look and some support of their latest title, which has been cut short and canceled due to publishers Virgin withdrawing funds. At this point you might be thinking...well what do you want me to do about it, its already canceled. If you were to visit http://www.mythosgames.com/dreamland.htmÊfor info on the actual game and http://pub50.ezboard.com/fmythosgamesltd32854frm1Êfor the forum you would see that opposition for the move is very much alive.

The game itself looks incredible - Grat brought it up recently on our forum, and the response was pretty positive. Check it out - maybe another Looking Glass can be avoided! (Louis Wu 21:35:18 UTC)

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