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February 9, 2001 Link to this post Violence in video games - red herring? Interesting. Adrenaline Vault has an article about the recent Surgeon General's report on the causes of youth violence. As we reported back on January 19, the Los Angeles Times stated that this report drew definite links between video games and youth violence. As you can see by reading the report for yourself, that conclusion was NOT put forth by the Surgeon General's office - in fact, the report says that there isn't enough information at all to determine the impact of video games. Additionally, according to AV, The report is the second major government study in a few months that downplays the role of violent media in making people commit crimes. Last fall the Federal Trade Commission released a report that also raised doubts about the conventional wisdom on this subject. This latest report, like the FTC study, was commissioned in the wake of the 1999 Columbine high school shootings.
Good to know we're not all homicidal... (Louis Wu 00:20:31 UTC)