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January 11, 2001 Link to this post My brain hurts... Okay, we're seriously confused. We misinterpreted John Carswell's comments a little bit, it seems... he wrote to point out the nVidia PR Director interview that MSXbox held this week. There were two quotes that stood out for me: MSXbox: What is the difference between these 2; Per-Pixel Shading and Bump-mapping?
Derek: Bump-mapping is kind of a hack, for lack of a better term. Per-pixel shading and Vertex shading are more accurate ways of doing texture and coloring. No more helmet head, like in sports games, you always look in the back of the head and [the hair] stands still, but in real life hair bounces. It'll give images personality, and it'll give scenes more personality. It'll make scenes more organic and give it more ambiance.
And then later on: MSXbox: When are the developers going to get final Xbox development kits- we've heard around March?
Derek: That sounds about right.
(That second one was exciting because it means that the final card will probably be in the playable Xbox folks will get their hands on at E3.) Okay, I thought I had a handle on this per-pixel shading/bump-mapping thing, until we got a note from Timothy Wilson (warning - heavy on the geek-speak), which suggested that John was wrong when he said there was no bump-mapping in the Malice shots. NOW who do we believe? (Louis Wu 02:07:39 UTC)