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January 6, 2001 Link to this post

Know what's coming, before it comes...
Dontcha just love it when the PR folks get a little ahead of the demonstrators? As I write this, I'm watching a live webcast from the Computer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas - the Xbox will be unveiled here this morning. However, on Microsoft's web site, you can find this press release about the show... describing in detail what's going to happen, even in parts of the keynote that haven't been shown yet.

A highlight of Gates' keynote address came when he revealed what Xbox will look like when it hits stores in fall 2001. Gates unveiled the Xbox console and controller and showed demos of two games being developed exclusively for Xbox: "Malice" by United Kingdom-based Argonaut Games PLC and "Munch's Oddysee" by Oddworld Inhabitants Inc. and published by Microsoft. Gates later was joined on stage by professional wrestler The Rock to promote an Xbox wrestling game.

Well, at least this saves us the trouble of waiting to see if Halo will be demoed today... (Thanks to Christoph Schmidt for the press release heads-up.) (Louis Wu 17:53:43 UTC)

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