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January 2, 2001 Link to this post

XBO365 dishes up Xbox commercial rumors
Hawk, from Halo Center, sends along an interesting rumor from XBO365. Seems one of the commercials for the Xbox to be shown during the Superbowl (January 28, 2001) will focus on Halo:

The second commercial pushes a lot of Promo for Halo but I don't have the details on that one yet. I'm told they do half of it as if the viewer was actually in the game and looking around at the action around. Stuff crashing and blowing up all around - characters talking to you and getting shot etc.

There's been no official confirmation of this, so it's easily just a rumor... but hey, January 28 is less than 4 weeks away! (Louis Wu 22:03:42 UTC)

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