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September 29, 2007 Link to this post

So last night, it was reported that the IWHBYD skull was 'found', after 'countless hours'. (Never mind that the game's been out for well under a week.) In Halo 2, this was the toughest skull to crack; in fact, because there's probably an element of randomness in the triggering, nobody's EVER figured out a consistent way to get it. In Halo 3, though... they just pored over the code with a hex editor. Woohoo. I'm posting this to point out that it's been found, for folks who want to play with the skull - and to lament the loss of the discovery by more traditional means. It's not as though it would have been impossible to figure out; the rings you need to jump through play notes, and the musical piece you're looking for (the Halo theme, or a variant of it) was the last one played in the cutscene just before this section. As a musician friend said, "You gotta hand it to Bungie. What an elegant freaking puzzle. With the 4th ring being damaged and all. And the synth sound that the rings produce is so warm and analog and lovely-sounding." Bah. And with that, I'd like to apologize; yesterday (and today) was (and will be) a tremendously busy day, so I'm falling behind on Halo news. There's a ton backed up in the queue - but unless another admin finds time to post some of it, it might be there for a bit. Sorry. (I hate that my enthusiasm for this stuff is so easily damped by cheaters...) (Louis Wu 13:53:35 UTC)

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