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August 2, 2007 Link to this post

Bungie can't win.
A couple of weeks ago, a quote from the then-upcoming EGM article began circulating, and online co-op in Halo 3 was suddenly in doubt. (Before this article had come out, there had been zero information about the mode - and nobody had been talking about it.) The internet seemed to catch fire with the flames Bungie began receiving from all sides - people stated that they'd boycott the game if online co-op weren't present, journalists lambasted Bungie for laziness and lack of consideration for their fans. Bungie asked people to be patient; they didn't want to announce something they couldn't GUARANTEE would be in the final shipping product, so they were keeping their mouths shut. (Online co-op was cut very, very, VERY late in the development cycle of Halo 2, and many people were strongly disappointed.) Finally, this week, they announced that yes, online co-op would be in Halo 3 - and in fact it would be four-player co-op, not just the two-player that was in the original game. And how does the community respond? Well, Cinema Blend says it's a disappointment. It's a tack-on, they say, and there's not even a four-player offline mode. Um... what? (There IS an offline 4-player mode - System Link is supported, no internet needed.) I guess I should be satisfied that they're not complaining that you can't play as Cortana... (Louis Wu 19:08:47 UTC)

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