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June 29, 2000 Link to this post

Xbox... no keyboard, no mouse... no chat
IGN Xbox have posted an interview with J. Allard, General Manager of Xbox. Allard's insights into the Xbox are quite revealing. Here's a piece that caught our attention:

IGN Xbox: So first critics were saying that Microsoft was going to create a mini PC in the living room, and then it switched to a console that crashes. What's your definition of what makes a console?

JA: You turn it on, and it blows your mind. We're not confused. It doesn't boot, there is no install, there are no patches, it's not an opportunity to port PC games, there's not a keyboard jack, there's not a mouse jack. You put it in the living room, you put it in the bedroom, you put it on the biggest TV you've in the house and the biggest sound system you've got, and you plug in not one, not two but four controllers. You invite your buddies over, and you have the best time you've ever had in any form of digital entertainment ever. And you'll have experiences that you'll never forget. That's our focus.

No keyboard, no mouse... thus no means to chat while online. (Ding 13:42:26 UTC)

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