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June 13, 2000 Link to this post

Best Action Game, says Game Critics Awards
As mentioned on R.net, Game Critics Awards planned on announcing their Best of E3 awards tonight. They're up... and Halo got a mention or two. Best Action Game and Runner-Up for Best Game, PC, specifically. Here's what they had to say:

Shown to only a select few at E3 '99, Halo has been building buzz all year long. So it was no wonder that people waited in line for up to an hour to see game designer and uber-brain Jason Jones show off the Halo engine and a movie that left every jaw in the room on the floor. Everyone with a pulse who saw Halo at E3 2000 is feverishly anticipating its release. We were no exception.

Go check out the rest of the awards... if you can get past the Black and White mentions, there's some interesting stuff there! (Louis Wu 01:19:18 UTC)

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