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June 9, 2000 Link to this post

Rumors abound
We would be remiss if we ignored this altogether, since it's potentially very big news. We want to stress, however, that it's nothing more than rumor at this point. A rather large thread is running on our forum, revolving around a potential deal between Bungie and Microsoft. If true (even in part), it means major shifts for Bungie (obviously), and for sites which cover Bungie (not quite so obviously). We'd like to stress that we have NO official word from Bungie on any of this (confirming or denying, or even acknowledging), and all of the actual details are being posted anonymously. I WILL say that the two posters are new to our forum (these are the first posts from those IP addresses), and that neither one is in a physical location known to be common for either Bungie or Microsoft. (Not that that means anything.) Hopefully, we'll hear one way or another soon, from someone with authority. (Louis Wu 18:30:20 UTC)

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