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August 2, 2006 Link to this post

When Spam Filtering Gets Stupid
Okay, this is getting stupid. Last week, I sent out a request for mailing addresses to all the winners of the last 7 on the 7th contest (the grass-cutting one), so that Bungie could mail them prizes. I know that sometimes it takes a few days for people to answer these things, so I didn't worry about it - and when I got another response this morning, I totalled up the responses we had. There were 5. The last two went to people whose ISPs use VERY agressive spam-filtering... so I'm pretty sure I'll NEVER get a response from either one, from that note. I'm making ANOTHER public appeal for response from individuals - twice in one day, for something I'd rather NEVER do. This prompts me to add a new rule to any future bungie.org contest - you are REQUIRED to whitelist the email address lwu at bungie dot org if you enter a contest; from now on, contest winners will get one week to respond to correspondence, and after that they forfeit their prize. I can't continue like this. (The two winners who need to send me mailing addresses if they ever want to see their Halo Graphic Novel prizes are RAWPOWER95 and Omega.) (Louis Wu 13:44:01 UTC)

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