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July 10, 2005 Link to this post

MPRRS - now taking volunteers
Recently, the processing time for videos in our Movie Peer Review Rating System climbed to almost a week; right now, there's a vid which has been in the queue for almost 11 days. (All the rest of the current crop are below 2 days, so that's an anomaly, but the problem is still worth noting.) We recently pared down the number of reviewers by dropping people who hadn't contributed much - but it's likely that this will only to add to the problem. So - we're finally accepting new applications for reviewers. (It's taken a while to set up an automated system for this, which is why we haven't accepted many before now.) One thing to be aware of - this is NOT just a chance to watch vids before anyone else; we're asking for people who have a genuine desire to help the community. (A couple of reviewers left recently, complaining that the level of quality they were being asked to watch was too low, overall... to which Cybrfrk responded, "DUH!" That's the whole point of the system - if the MPRRS wasn't weeding out the dross, EVERYONE would have to watch those films. Do NOT volunteer unless you understand that the job requires that you watch a LOT of bad video.) If you read that and said 'yeah, I can handle that'... go ahead and sign up! Update: Wow, that was quite a response! We got a couple of dozen volunteers in 20 minutes. I've approved 12 new people, and anyone who has filled out the form will be in the queue the next time we add a batch; it's a simple matter of clicking an approve button for us, so as soon as the need arises, we'll be contacting you! Thanks to all! (You're welcome to add your name to the list, if you haven't and want to be considered - we'll just hold it until the next batch.) (Louis Wu 17:33:47 UTC)

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