by Overswarm
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Team Skirmish
Classic CTF on Foundation
Weapon control
(there is no offense/defense, since you are always on offense and defense at the same time)
Overstrat #1-
phase 1
All players go immediately to collect the strongest possible weapons. They also clear out every bit of explosive material they can.
phase 2
Player 1 goes to the center of the map, and sits and waits, looking at the base that holds the enemies flag.
Player 2 sits back at the Battle Rifle/rocket ammo area and plays defense. If he sees a large group of the enemy coming to his base, he warns his teammates, then Player 1 and Player 2 both prepare to stop the flag carrier when he leaves their base.
Player 3 and 4 both are going to the enemies base. Their goal is to grab the flag, and get it out of that room. Then, they jump, and throw the flag to player 1, who is waiting to catch it.
phase 3
Player 1 catches the flag, and then waits for player 2, 3, and 4's view of the surroundings before moving. If the enemy is running towards him, he hides and lets his teamates help him. If the enemy is looking around, he hides in the center. If the enemy has their flag and is running with it, he hides in the center until his teamates can get it back, so on so on.
Player 2 stays at the BR spawn, and escorts player 1 back to their base.
Player 3 and 4, if surviving, both run together, pecking at the enemy when they can. If it's a clear run for the flag carrier to get back to the main base, then player 2 and 3 stay at the enemy base so they are ready to grab the flag the moment it reappears.
If player 3 and/or 4 died, then they help player 2 escort player 1.
phase 4
Player 1 runs to the vent, goes in it, then goes in their base.
Player 2, 3, and 4 help him.
That's it. Easy score.
- Most teams have found it best to not go in the enemy base unless you have a rocket launcher.
- Most teams end up not going into the enemy base until they've killed every enemy on the outside.
- Some teams find it necessary to have player 2 come and help player 3 and 4 get the flag out.
- Many experienced opponents will only let this work once. After that, player 1 needs to be wary, and player 2 needs to cover him.
- Player 1 shouldn't hog many weapons. He doesn't really need them.
- Player 1 should not hesitate to throw the flag to a teammate waiting by the lift near their base. The faster the better
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