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Search results for Sean Mortensen

Showing results 1 - 21 of 21 matches

November 4, 2011 Link to this post

A Fistful of Arrows gets a soundtrack
Sean Mortensen has been in our news before - he composes lots of music. Recently, he created an entire soundtrack... for A Fistful of Arrows, the graphic novel put together by Leviathan. Levi sent us the tracks, along with Sean's commentary on each, and a bonus piece of cover art for the album itself (he figured if Sean could put up a soundtrack, the least he could do is cover it). You'll find all of this content on a page we put together to showcase this very nice collection of work. Go listen! (Louis Wu 19:42:53 UTC)

October 11, 2010 Link to this post

Custom Music Offer
Sean Mortensen (he's created a few Halo-based scores in the past, search our news) is offering to compose music to match pieces of Halo novels/comics/etc - let him know what you've read, and he'll do what he can! (Louis Wu 17:27:00 UTC)

September 21, 2007 Link to this post

A Symphony for Achievements
Sean Mortensen has decided to compose a symphony for the Halo 3 Achievements. He's sent us movement 7. (It's the first one he wrote, but it's movement 7.) It's in D Minor. Full title is 'Movement 7 of 9 for the Halo 3 Achievments, Symphony in D Minor'. (Louis Wu 12:49:40 UTC)

September 1, 2007 Link to this post

Uprising poster - available to all (with cash)
Remember that cool poster Ironlion got his hands on? Sean Mortensen contacted artist Alex Maleev, and got this response:

A high resolution print on archival Epson paper 13X19 is available for purchase. Let me know if you are interested. The price is 50 bucks plus shipping.

Alex can be contacted through his website (check the About page for an email address). (Louis Wu 17:34:26 UTC)

August 30, 2007 Link to this post

Master Chief Suite
Sean Mortensen has sent in a new score - this one's called 'Master Chief Suite', and is an homage to the Chief. Sean believes he might sacrifice himself in Halo 3, and has written this to honor this sacrifice. 2.5 mb, MP3 format. (Louis Wu 11:42:16 UTC)

August 20, 2007 Link to this post

The Riot 61
Sigafoos sent in word yesterday about The Riot 61, but it got overlooked in the airport news search. Go download it now! 24 minutes, 10 mb. (They've got two new Sean Mortensen compositions, along with the standard community talk, tournament discussion, and challenges.) (Louis Wu 13:18:25 UTC)

August 16, 2007 Link to this post

New Scores from Sean Mortensen
Sean Mortensen sent along two new scores; Arrival was inspired by the idea of a Halo movie from Hollywood (mp3, 1.6 mb | PDF, 951 kb), and We Go Feet First! was written for the ODST Helljumpers (mp3, 3.1 mb | PDF, 438 kb). Go listen! (Louis Wu 16:02:03 UTC)

August 13, 2007 Link to this post

Parting Ways
Sean Mortensen sent along 'Parting Ways', a new martial piece he's composed (mp3, 3.5 mb). He's also included the score, in PDF format (271k). (Louis Wu 20:39:15 UTC)

July 28, 2007 Link to this post

Harvest Suite
Sean Mortensen sent along another score, this one inspired by the cover of Contact Harvest, the novel coming out this fall. It's called Harvest Suite; mp3 format, 1:38, 1.4 mb. (Louis Wu 02:01:28 UTC)

July 22, 2007 Link to this post

The Riot 57
Sigafoos sent along his weekly notice about The Riot Podcast - Episode 57 is now out, 35 minutes (14 mb) of community news, plus word of an exclusive Treeskunk video and a new composition from Sean Mortensen, composed for Second Foundation. Go listen! (Louis Wu 18:43:45 UTC)

July 20, 2007 Link to this post

Shield World Battle
Sean Mortensen has been composing music in tribute to Ghosts of Onyx for almost three weeks now - his final piece, 'Shield World Battle', goes online today. You'll find it, with all of his other GoO pieces, on this page. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 18:36:40 UTC)

July 19, 2007 Link to this post

Ghosts of Onyx Suite, Pegasi Delta Assault
We have still MORE scores inspired by Ghosts of Onyx, from Sean Mortensen - there's Pegasi Delta Assault (3:07 long, 2.8 mb), and the Ghosts of Onyx Suite (10:43 long, 9.8 mb). Looks like we're going to need to set up a page for organization soon! (Louis Wu 16:14:20 UTC)

July 14, 2007 Link to this post

More Ghosts of Onyx Music
Sean Mortensen continues his musical tributes to Ghosts of Onyx - today there's a theme for Lucy (mp3, 1 mb), and one for the Spartan III program (mp3, 2.5 mb). Give a listen! (Louis Wu 20:42:11 UTC)

July 13, 2007 Link to this post

Dante's Theme
Sean Mortensen sent in another Ghosts of Onyx-inspired piece of music - this one is a theme for Dante, and weighs in at 3 mb. Go listen! (Louis Wu 13:29:51 UTC)

July 11, 2007 Link to this post

More music for GoO
Sean Mortensen continues to compose music for Ghosts of Onyx - he's released Spartans Never Die (4 mb) (written for Kurt), and Reclaimers (4.2 mb), written for Ash. Anyone with questions, comments, or suggestions can mail Sean. (Louis Wu 20:45:04 UTC)

July 9, 2007 Link to this post

Kurt's Theme - in MP3
Last week, Sean Mortensen released a MIDI file of a new piece he'd created to honor Ghosts of Onyx. Today, we received an MP3 version of the work - it sounds a bit different, according to Sean. 5.3 mb - give it a listen! (Louis Wu 14:58:50 UTC)

July 7, 2007 Link to this post

The Lone Spartan
Sean Mortensen has submitted 'The Lone Spartan', a 2:13 long, 2.4 mb MP3 of a piece of music he wrote to commemorate a specific moment in the novel 'Ghosts of Onyx'. It takes place in Chapter 8, and involves three young Spartan-IIIs. If you haven't read the book, it's a last stand by very young but very dedicated humans against an overwhelming Covenant force. (Louis Wu 12:30:10 UTC)

July 3, 2007 Link to this post

Kurt's Theme
Sean Mortensen sent along a piece of music (MIDI format, 139 kb) he wrote as a score for a section of Nylund's 'Ghosts of Onyx', because he was inspired by the book. He knows it sounds a little like the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End score, but says that is coincidence more than anything. If you're interested in an MP3, you can email him with a request, and he'll post it. (Louis Wu 12:10:00 UTC)

April 20, 2007 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Fourteen new pieces for you in this week's Fan Fiction update (back to multiples of 7...), including a piece that has its own soundtrack. There was some confusion about the originally-submitted theme for Vanguard - turns out it was very, very close to another piece of music - so Sean Mortensen submitted a new version (midi format, 38k). Go listen to it while reading the story! (Louis Wu 13:26:01 UTC)

April 19, 2007 Link to this post

Two new midi creations
Sean Mortensen sent us two new midi themes - both are rather martial. One, Ashes, is based on the Halo main theme (and Sean gives props to Marty once again). The second, Vanguard, was written entirely by Sean, and was designed to be the theme for his upcoming fan fiction, 'Halo: Operation Vanguard' (this will be posted on Friday, in the standard Fanfic update). Since they're midi files, they're tiny - Ashes is 10k, Vanguard is 31k. Go listen! (Louis Wu 12:35:57 UTC)

April 15, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Theme Variation
Sean Mortensen sent us a midi variation of the main Halo theme - it's just over 3 minutes long, and weighs in at 51k. Give it a listen! (Louis Wu 15:49:49 UTC)

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