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October 1, 2009 Link to this post

Mombasa Streets, Unmarked
pete_the_duck spent some time getting a clean mosaic of Mombasa's Streets - if you're building something where you want to show people where something is, this is a great starting point. (There have been other maps posted online - but none of them are this clean - or unmarked.) I wrote this up for posting yesterday - but managed to forget. (Louis Wu 14:17:33 UTC)

October 1, 2009 Link to this post

Mapping New Mombasa
Narcogen has started the process of mapping New Mombasa - using Google Earth. Check out his post on Rampancy.net for details! (Louis Wu 12:43:40 UTC)

September 30, 2009 Link to this post

Community Spotlight: Team BackFire
Bungie.net has a new Community Spotlight up - this one shines on Team BackFire, a Bungie.net group focused on screenshots. Check out an interview with the group, and a new batch of files in Bungie Favorites! (Louis Wu 18:59:21 UTC)

September 29, 2009 Link to this post

BWO Screenie Contest
Black Water Ops is holding a screenshot contest - win and you could get yourself some MS points or a LIVE subscription. Check their site for details! Thanks to Bungie's Comm Chatter for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 19:25:06 UTC)

September 29, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Legends - more screens
Five new screens have popped up from the Bones-created episode of Halo Legends (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5) - no word on release dates yet, though. (Louis Wu 16:16:51 UTC)

September 28, 2009 Link to this post

KOXM Interview with Marty O'Donnell
Hedgemony pointed out that the latest KOXM podcast (the podcast of OXM magazine) has an interview with Marty O'Donnell - it's a pretty interesting discussion that ranges from how Marty got into the industry, to how the music for ODST came about. The actual interview itself is about 40 minutes long, starting at about 22:30, but Marty sticks around for a trivia game once the interview is over. You'll learn something! (Louis Wu 12:24:28 UTC)

September 27, 2009 Link to this post

Fun cutscene egg
Jayshum pointed out a youtube vid from Scazza showing off a pretty cool easter egg in the Epilogue cutscene of Halo 3: ODST - if you want to see it for yourself, simply hold the analogue stick you use to turn (Default is the right stick, but Southpaw is Left) as you watch the cutscene. If it's too much work to get there again, you can watch the low-quality, filmed-off-the-screen version Jayshum linked to - or you can grab an HD version from us (9-30 mb, depending on resolution). Funny stuff! (There are other eggs being turned up - Crymson Nite noticed Trogdor the Burninator, among other things, and Devin Olsen pointed out a ReadyUpLive vid showing a Halo 2 egg that reappeared in Halo 3, and now ODST.) (Louis Wu 18:14:04 UTC)

September 26, 2009 Link to this post

Up close - UCAV Drone Fighter (HD ODST Version)
Bry took some amazing screenshots of the drone fighter you see overhead on the Uplift Reserve level. Awesome! (Louis Wu 17:32:55 UTC)

September 26, 2009 Link to this post

The Wind in their Hair...
Devin Olsen and goatrope got out of Uplift Reserve, and went exploring. The video and screenshots are pretty cool! (Louis Wu 17:30:58 UTC)

September 25, 2009 Link to this post

Aesthetic Artist Interview: The U2 RoKKeR
It's been a few weeks, but the Aesthetic Artist Interview series is back - COL0NEL SANDERS sent along an interview with (and some sweet screenshots from) The U2 RoKKeR, a relatively new screenshot artist who's got quite an eye for composition. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:08:31 UTC)

September 25, 2009 Link to this post

Get the most out of Bungie.net's ODST Features
We neglected to mention an article posted yesterday afternoon on Bungie.net: 'Link Up with the B.net' seemed, at first glance, to be aimed at newcomers who wanted to tie their in-game experience in to Bungie.net's amazing stat tracking system. It didn't really seem like 'news' for the average HBO reader. A closer read, however, shows that this does include information that's of wider interest.

  • There's a collection of tips for completing the various Vidmaster Achievements (as of yesterday, just over 4,000 people had completed them and collected their Recon armor)
  • There's a mini-primer on Bungie Pro, and the mention of a new, not-quite-implemented feature coming soon: you'll be able to render a segment of a Firefight video simply by indicating the timestamps of your start and stop spots. This is amazingly cool, given that without it, you'd need an AWFUL lot of render points to grab Firefight footage (since Firefight has no 'clip' capabilities).
  • The stats integration is, indeed, covered in the article - check it out for basic details and links to more in-depth explanations.

Definitely worth a read! (Louis Wu 13:31:03 UTC)

September 24, 2009 Link to this post

Jump in, the water's fine.
The tricksters/egg hunters have already gotten going - check this stuff out. (We're not, for the most part, going to be covering ODST tricking; there's going to be just too much of it, and there are already entire communities dedicated to it. But it's early days, and it's fun to see where folks are starting.)

There are lots more - but those are the pics and vids we have for you today. Be sure to check out HIH on a regular basis if you love this stuff! (Louis Wu 15:43:13 UTC)

September 23, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie Comm Chatter Grab Bag
Bunch of new content on Bungie.net already today (I'm really late getting started)... let's summarize what's there for you:

Good stuff! (And a nice boost to what will likely be a light news day; ODST has taken up quite a bit of my time in the past week, and it's time to spend a little more time on the people who put food on my table...) (Louis Wu 17:13:21 UTC)

September 22, 2009 Link to this post

Bringin' it back
Botolf posted a bunch of screenshots over at NeoGAF of an ODST-inspired Halo Custom Edition multiplayer map. (The last one is rather poignant.) The map's not available yet, so for now it's just the screenshots - but go look! (It's not his map, he's just posting the pics.) (Louis Wu 12:26:11 UTC)

September 21, 2009 Link to this post

Tag and Release: lol
Wanna see some funny screenshots? Visit Bungie.net, and search for the tag 'lol'. Awesome! (Louis Wu 18:33:51 UTC)

September 21, 2009 Link to this post

This Spartan Life - at PICNIC 09
It looks like This Spartan Life will be conducting a 'live' interview, on stage at the PICNIC 09 festival in Amsterdam this week. (I'm not 100% sure what that means - but it seems that Chris Burke and his guest, Dr. Gerri Sinclair, CEO of the Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver, will be on the stage, and Halo 3 - with their characters in it - will be on the giant screen behind them.) If you're near Amsterdam... check it out, and let us know how it goes! (Louis Wu 15:53:56 UTC)

September 21, 2009 Link to this post

You can never be too sure...
Heh - they're starting early. Relativiox sent us a pic of the 'line' waiting for the ODST Launch Party tonight in downtown Seattle... looks like there's still a chance to get in. (Louis Wu 14:51:54 UTC)

September 20, 2009 Link to this post

Bad Cyborg Movies
Rockslider's been a contributor to our forum for years - he tends to play the heck out of Halo's campaign (well, Halo and Halo 3, anyway - he was pretty unhappy with Halo 2), and then write up his findings. Until recently, however, he had no way of collecting screenshots or video - so his site has been text-based since its inception. No more - he's adding movies! (And we're hosting 'em.) You can find his first two entries on his website (BCM1 | BCM 2), and he'll be adding to those regularly. (We've also got a 'Bad Cyborg Movies' section - far less info, but the movies are all there, along with links to Rockslider's more wordy writeups.) (Louis Wu 18:37:16 UTC)

September 20, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3: ODST - the reviews
The review embargo on Halo 3: ODST lifted last night at midnight (eastern)... and they've been pouring in. I don't think I can keep up this pace - but here's the first few dozen that showed up in my Google alerts. (NNS means 'no numeric score', and these are in alphabetical order.)

More news coming later this morning, probably; I don't know if there'll be another review overview. (You could always just bookmark Metacritic or GameRankings...) (Louis Wu 12:21:45 UTC)

September 18, 2009 Link to this post

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines
We forgot to mention it - but this week's Double EXP Weekend playlist is Rocket Race - and it's been live since yesterday. Thanks, urk! (Louis Wu 17:52:53 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

Uncharted artist comes to Bungie
Split-Screen has an article about Rob Adams - he's the Senior Environment Artist on Halo Reach. If you're wondering what his bona fides are... he was Lead Environment Artist on Uncharted: Drake's Fortune before this. Some pretty nice artwork in that game... portends well for Reach! Thanks, Domino Theory. Update: urk pointed out that not only did Bungie.net highlight Rob Adams' existence at Bungie in a January Breaking In article, he managed to do it with a TON of Uncharted references. There's nothing in there about Reach, of course (it was written 4 months before Reach was announced) - but I still lose points for forgetting. (Louis Wu 20:51:52 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

Reclaimer Halo 3 ODST Contest - Voting Open
TTL Demag0gue dropped in to announce that voting is now open in the Reclaimer Halo 3 ODST Contest - swing by the site and pick your favorite ODST-themed screenshot. There are 45 entries - and many of them are doozies! Go vote. (Louis Wu 17:24:43 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

Comm Chatter Comestibles
Bungie's Comm Chatter (woohoo) has some fun stuff for you today:

That should do you! (Louis Wu 17:02:52 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

'Halo: Heroic Story Telling' Garners New Awards
McCann Erickson won another prestigious advertising award based on the Halo Believe ads - check out this press release. Agency Network of the Year: 2009 for a campaign started in 2007? Wow. (Louis Wu 16:43:32 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Strategy Tips from IGN
Minime noticed a new video at IGN - Firefight Starter Tips. It's a spoiler-free discussion of ways to maximize your survival, at least in the early rounds. (Decent advice, even.) I was pretty amused by the comment at about 1:30 that "teamwork is essential for success"... spoken as the player we're watching throws a grenade into a barrier, bouncing it back towards the team (rather than at the enemies). Heh. I think someone's been watching over my shoulder again... (Louis Wu 12:19:20 UTC)

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