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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3126 - 3150 of 4250 matches

May 30, 2004 Link to this post

I Thought IMAX Was The Other Guy...
Hot on the heels of Friday's 3D screenshot, One One Se7en has gone 3D. Sort of. (Louis Wu 11:37:10 UTC)

May 29, 2004 Link to this post

Frankie Meets The Matrix
So Bungie's got a new toy - they can make 3D screenshots! And the first one is a pretty slick piece of work. It's called "Army of One", and it's available in both high (8.4 mb) and low (1.3 mb) res versions. Grab it (make sure you have QuickTime installed), and go to town rotating around the sword-wielding elite, checking out ALL the action! Farsight was the first to stumble on the story, before it made it onto b.net's front page. (Louis Wu 00:01:35 UTC)

May 27, 2004 Link to this post

SCEW Progress
kornman00 mentioned that Supreme Conflict: The Enna Wars (formerly Project Halo) had an update posted; you can find it here. Personally, unless you're excited by dialog boxes, I'd recommend passing on the screenshots of Bruce. (Louis Wu 19:10:08 UTC)

May 27, 2004 Link to this post

Halo breaks the mold
Adam Daniel found an interesting article on the New York Times website (free registration required) which discusses movie-to-game licenses, and why most of the games don't work. Halo is held up more than once as an example of how the model (that you need brand recognition, either because your game has a precursor or because it's based on a mass-market item like a movie) is flawed. Adam points out that we (online Halo fans) get props:

"Everyone is trying to make gaming more mainstream, but it's still the hard-core gamers that get it started. Look at Halo. That's not a franchise sequel or a licensed property, but the word of mouth from the hard-core community really drove the larger market and made it the success that it is."

Nice! Go read. (Louis Wu 15:48:17 UTC)

May 25, 2004 Link to this post

Halo for SNES
Limax created new screens for a fun game, with kudos to Fuzzy for the sprites. I'd play... (Louis Wu 13:27:47 UTC)

May 25, 2004 Link to this post

More new content coming from Bungie
Bungie.net will be offline for a couple of hours today, starting around 10 am PDT (5 pm UTC), with some visible changes to be noticed when they come back. Hmm... Thanks, Wolfy. (Louis Wu 10:12:14 UTC)

May 24, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot Quality Control
Boxer's put up another .comic at Subnova. Frankly, I don't get the humor behind this one, but maybe it's just me. (Louis Wu 22:09:37 UTC)

May 24, 2004 Link to this post

Red vs Blue - a content flood
There's no Red vs Blue episode this week - they were busy at E3 last week, and they've got other surprises going on - but there's plenty of new content to visit for, anyway. A new song was released in episode 33, called 'A Girl Named Tex' - fans were clamoring for a full version, and now you can grab one. (There's also a link to trocadero.net, the site belonging to nico's band - nico is responsible for much of the cool original music in RvB.) You can also grab a pair of art files - a zipped collection of an image by Jay 'Anaphiel' Faircloth (you can see some of his amazing work in our Miscellaneous Art and Wallpaper sections here, too) and a beautiful view of Blood Gulch from Heather 'Nesnora' Cristofaro (a forum mod for RvB and the designer behind trocadero.net). Finally, for Sponsors only (in the season 2 sponsors forum), you can grab copies of all the Xbox kiosk videos they made for the first round of Xbox promotions last year. (There's a new set in stores right now, and they're starting a third set next week.) RvB lovin' for everyone! (Louis Wu 09:08:39 UTC)

May 23, 2004 Link to this post

Fan Fiction contest announced
Steve and Hextall27 are starting up the 1st Annual Enkidu Fanfic Contest - rules and regulations can be found in this forum post. They're also looking for judges. (Louis Wu 22:27:59 UTC)

May 23, 2004 Link to this post

Screenie Analysis
Alpaca continues the analysis of the E3 screenshots over at [HOH]. Number 3 is up now. (Louis Wu 21:48:40 UTC)

May 23, 2004 Link to this post

Words, words, and more words redux
Lots and lots and lots of you noticed the Fan Fiction section was broken yesterday; I accidentally allowed a story with illegal characters in the series name through the screening process. Sorry about that! Fixed now, though. That'll teach me to put up a last-minute post before leaving for the day (without checking the link first). (Louis Wu 13:43:53 UTC)

May 21, 2004 Link to this post

Xbox.com E3 Halo 2 stuff
There are a couple of Halo2-related vids in the plethora of new items at Xbox.com; there's an 8 minute video with Jenny McCarthy, where she talks to folks experiencing the Halo 2 demo, then weasels her way into playing herself, chatting up Frankie and Pete Parsons pretty good. (Look for Lorraine, Max, and SketchFactor in cameo roles.) There's also a video with Robbie Carbone, winner of an Xbox Live contest, getting Robbie's reactions to Halo 2. (You can read Robbie's full story here.) The downside to ALL of Xbox.com vids is that they're totally un-viewable on a Macintosh; this is pretty disappointing. These two vids can be accessed directly from their mms streams, though, and these DO work on a Mac; I'll have to pull these if Xbox.com complains, but for now, if the official interface doesn't work for you, you can see the vids here: Jenny McCarthy and Robbie Carbone. Thanks to Caligula Caesar for getting me started on all this stuff. (Louis Wu 12:12:19 UTC)

May 19, 2004 Link to this post

How Rumors Start
Curll posted a note yesterday on xblGamers explaining the Clan pricing rumor (it was a psych/marketing class project, apparently) - I missed the email until just now. Go read. (Louis Wu 09:48:46 UTC)

May 18, 2004 Link to this post

New screens at B.net
The Bungie crew is back in Redmond, and they've managed to post another pair of new screenshots; a large version of the second leaked screen found last week, and an entirely new dual-needler first-person shot (with a great view of the energy sword). Unfortunately, there's no HUD to see. Check 'em out! First notice came to us from KenshinHimora000. (Louis Wu 00:32:39 UTC)

May 17, 2004 Link to this post

The Super Long Jump
Dark Helmet comes back with a pretty awesome jump movie; 5:07 long, 17.7 mb, WMP9 format, showing some amazing long jumps with little or no damage. (The link points not to the start of the thread, but to a post with a viable mirror - thanks, Brian.) Watch this one for examples of what you can do without a modded box (or an overshield!). (Louis Wu 21:49:00 UTC)

May 16, 2004 Link to this post

A Good Point
Frontline with Suzie, a fanfic started up by rockslider, has posted Broadcast 2, an interview with a jackal. Thanks to Lothar Hex for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 22:00:40 UTC)

May 16, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot analysis
[HOH] has analyzed another Halo 2 screenshot - stop by and see if you agree! (Louis Wu 21:30:19 UTC)

May 16, 2004 Link to this post

A Tale of Two Sneakers
The gameplay sessions behind the Press curtain were off-limits to cameras; this was not because anything new was being shown (you've already read dozens of writeups of the gameplay), but because Bungie didn't want to have to deal with folks judging the game by bad shakeycam footage. However, there are ALWAYS fans who want shakeycam footage, and there are ALWAYS people willing to try and sneak in and get it. A couple of guys over at the Opa Ages forum did just that; there are a bunch of clips of surreptitiously-filmed screens showing the CTF games folks were playing. Quality sucks - but that's shakeycam. For the hardcore Halo 2 fan who needs EVERY SINGLE SECOND of footage... go visit. (There's also a pretty funny writeup and a few dozen photos.) Thanks, Adam Vokes. (Louis Wu 18:15:30 UTC)

May 16, 2004 Link to this post

Comics... a little late
Okay... I'm not home yet (Still in LA for another 24 hours), but I'm finally getting a few minutes on a computer; time to say a HUGE thank you to 3of9 for his amazing coverage as all the rest of us abandoned the site for E3. I'll try to post a few things over the next few hours - I thought I'd start with Friday's comics, which I neglected to post (or let 3 know how to post). Halo: Resolution introduces a new character... and One One Se7en does too. (Different characters.) Go check 'em out! (Louis Wu 03:42:25 UTC)

May 13, 2004 Link to this post

Oh, before I go...
Couple of updates from Bungie.net that are worth a note; They've moved Webcam #2 to the show floor; you can watch the show from on high (and you'll be able to see the fanfest tonight). Details about this are here. They've also added the turret shot we noted a couple of days ago to the Screenshots archive, though I can't seem to get it to work right now. Stay tuned! And now I'm REALLY off. (Louis Wu 07:19:18 UTC)

May 12, 2004 Link to this post

Sword Faceoff
Alucard found an image in the Gamespy Screenshot collection that's more of a Wallpaper - but it's an interesting image, nonetheless. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:58:05 UTC)

May 12, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot Analysis
Alex Edelman has written up a screenshot analysis of the new ODST shot on Bungie.net; you can find it on his [HOH] website's Article Page. He adds that other shots will be analyzed as well. (Louis Wu 10:39:38 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

Well, 'The Monitor' is kind like 'The Watcher'...
Gholsbane, operator of our sister site Myth.bungie.org, took a look at the new Halo 2 stuff and noticed something few who hadn't followed Bungie before Halo would- there's something in one of the screenshots that we may have seen a long time ago. More details can be found here. (Count Zero 19:32:13 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

Uber-hi-res screenies
Deimos Fawkes remembered to go looking for the good stuff; the Xbox Press page has a zipped archive of 7 of the recent screenshots (everything at Bungie.net, except the ODST shot), in a 3.7 mb package. Why would you want this? Oh, because they're 2560x1920 pixels... with no watermarks, maybe? (Louis Wu 14:34:04 UTC)

May 11, 2004 Link to this post

Another contest comes to a close
On January 30, c0ld vengeance started a contest to pick the Halo 2 release date; the first poster with the correct date would win a copy of Halo 2. Looks like that lucky winner is JPJ007... congrats! (Thanks, Gutupio, for doing the legwork.) (Louis Wu 13:37:06 UTC)

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