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May 21, 2004 Link to this post

Xbox.com E3 Halo 2 stuff
There are a couple of Halo2-related vids in the plethora of new items at Xbox.com; there's an 8 minute video with Jenny McCarthy, where she talks to folks experiencing the Halo 2 demo, then weasels her way into playing herself, chatting up Frankie and Pete Parsons pretty good. (Look for Lorraine, Max, and SketchFactor in cameo roles.) There's also a video with Robbie Carbone, winner of an Xbox Live contest, getting Robbie's reactions to Halo 2. (You can read Robbie's full story here.) The downside to ALL of Xbox.com vids is that they're totally un-viewable on a Macintosh; this is pretty disappointing. These two vids can be accessed directly from their mms streams, though, and these DO work on a Mac; I'll have to pull these if Xbox.com complains, but for now, if the official interface doesn't work for you, you can see the vids here: Jenny McCarthy and Robbie Carbone. Thanks to Caligula Caesar for getting me started on all this stuff. (Louis Wu 12:12:19 UTC)

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