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February 27, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 as a serious player
HALOChat has also posted an interview with a high-ranking Halo 2 player - it's described as part 1 of 3 of 'Speaking with a Pro'... but from reading the interview, it looks like cAPPy204 is just someone who plays a lot. (I can't see anything that suggests that he does this for money anywhere.) Comments can go in the forum thread HALOChat started to announce this. (Louis Wu 16:39:56 UTC)

February 26, 2005 Link to this post

Unintended Consequences
Dennis Powers dropped us a note to let us know that Episode 6 of the Halo CE Chronicles has been released - 3:49, 4.2 mb, in Flash video format. The Spartan takes on the Covenant troops that killed his friend, and finds he's not just a killing machine. Update: Dennis writes to say bandwidth might be limited at the start; if the stream is slow, try again later. Thanks! (Louis Wu 21:27:31 UTC)

February 26, 2005 Link to this post

MC Suit Progress
Not long ago, we put up a page detailing the progress Alan James has been making with a new MC suit he's building. He just sent us a couple of shots of the gun he's building to go with it - we've added them to the page. Great start! (Louis Wu 19:05:59 UTC)

February 26, 2005 Link to this post

Saturday Stories
Small buildup of Fan Fiction pieces during the time I was gone; 26 new items added today. (There was some talk on the forum about starting to call it Fan Literature, so that searches for Fan Fiction in the news wouldn't return more than the 777 items written before today... but no, we'll stick with what works. Consider this the first post in the SECOND batch of 777 fan-fiction-related news posts.) (Louis Wu 16:07:00 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

GSJ Rocks.
MrJukes has been busy - there are two more Jump Sessions and a pretty fun flag cap on his Trick Jumping site. Some pretty cool stuff in that new one... go start downloading! Update: oops - I should have reminded people that we've mirrored the entire site - if you have trouble getting to the original (like, say, now, when rabid fans like you have brought it to its knees), you can grab files from us. (Louis Wu 23:25:28 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

G4 broadcasts 3 Doors Down GwF
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned the Game with Fame event with 3 Doors Down - a couple of Los Angelenos got the chance to play, and G4 filmed it. It was broadcast yesterday on the show Screen Savers for the first time - sorry about the short notice. Never fear, though - it's on again on Sunday, February 27, at 12am ET/9 pm PT, or your can watch it online (Flash video format) at G4's website. Check out 3 Doors Down getting schooled by 23-year-old Katrina L. Thanks, TriXie! (Louis Wu 22:57:34 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

Photoshop contest - now with a bonus round
ICDedPpl has started a bonus round for his Halo Photoshop contest; entries are due by Sunday night, voting will be up for 3 days. The winner will get a full year of webhosting with free domain registration or transfer. The catch? Your photo must include a cartoon character. Go read the site for more details! (Louis Wu 14:53:23 UTC)

February 20, 2005 Link to this post

Tainted Love
TheTaintedOne has created a pretty massive gameplay vid; it's 12:22 long, in widescreen format. Timing is quite good; composition does a nice job of moving you from kill type to kill type. Movie ends with another melee-only oddball clip (just like the very first release I ever saw from TheTaintedOne) - all in all, if you like watching Halo 2 gameplay footage, this is one worth seeing. It's available via BitTorrent right now in both QuickTime (64.5 mb) and WMP9 (61.2 mb) formats. It's a little scary being the first movie posted after a 'stop sending us bad stuff' newspost... but someone's gotta do it. Update: TheTaintedOne started a forum thread about this, if you want to comment. Update 2: HALOChat has provided a web mirror for those who'd rather use a browser than BitTorrent. (Louis Wu 16:32:59 UTC)

February 19, 2005 Link to this post

Nightmare Armor - maybe your last chance
Wow. Webshift (the original webmaster for the Nightmare Armor website, but someone who left the team a ways back) is selling his personal Master Chief full body armor on eBay. Starting bid is $2000 (less than half the price a set would have cost you direct from Nightmare Armor, even if they HADN'T stopped selling it), and there's almost 7 days left in the auction. It's silver, and comes with undersuit and boots, and a storage bin. Check it out. (Louis Wu 06:18:02 UTC)

February 18, 2005 Link to this post

Desktop Shenanigans
We recently got a rather odd submission - Zytz grabbed a copy of Cortana's Core, a recently added desktop image created by Demonic Spartan, and altered the hue - a dozen times. All 13 images are in his Cortana's Core Mod Package (3.5 mb, zipped); the idea is that you use them as rotating desktops. If you're using MacOSX, this functionality is built into the OS; simply select the folder in the Desktop and Screen Saver pane, set the Change Picture menu to 5 seconds, and sit back to watch the trippy show. If you're a Windows user, you'll need to find a 3rd party program to use this; this one was suggested by the denizens of #hbo, except that the minimum cycle period is 15 minutes; sort of defeats the purpose. If you like melting, flowing wallpaper, and you think you can find a program that will implement it on your system, grab this package; it's definitely cheaper than LSD. Update: I didn't mention this product for Windows, because their website says that the free version is limited to 20 uses - but DSmooth wrote to tell us that that's old info, and that the free version is fine for this use. (Louis Wu 16:01:39 UTC)

February 17, 2005 Link to this post

The Codex Series Episode 2
The Codex, a machinima series started a few weeks ago, released episode 2 last night. Currently available as QuickTime only (but with DivX and WMP9 coming soon), this episode continues the storyline of a Covenant invasion of Earth, aimed at recovering an ancient Forerunner artifact. As with previous releases from this team, this vid shows off great camera work, solid voice acting, and a plot that's not just there to validate the filmmaking. Grab a copy! (Nerrolken started a thread on our forum, and HALOChat has already chimed in with mirrors; both at HALOChat and at Filefront. (Louis Wu 16:07:41 UTC)

February 16, 2005 Link to this post

Telling 'em what you think
Bungie's looking for feedback on a number of issues, ranging from playlists to starting weapons. Check out the news post, then go vote! (Louis Wu 22:02:01 UTC)

February 16, 2005 Link to this post

LiL Poison - Starting Young
Wonga. Xtournaments has a tidbit on LiL Poison, who at six years old is the youngest signed Pro Gamer in the world. (Apparently, he just signed with MLG.) Check it out! (There's a picture a little ways down the main page.) (Louis Wu 19:43:39 UTC)

February 14, 2005 Link to this post

Shades in Manila
MLG makes the news in the Philippines, it looks like... INQ7.net has an article summarizing the league and how it started. Sundance Giovanni is rosy about the future:

"I see pro gamers pulling down six-figure endorsement deals and being treated like celebrities. I also think you'll be seeing more and more of MLG on television as those players develop into stars. Eventually MLG will grow into a media powerhouse with a huge silver office tower in the middle of Manhattan. My office will be the one with the hot tub," he quipped.

Thanks, ICDedPpl. (Louis Wu 16:33:22 UTC)

February 14, 2005 Link to this post

Ogres Montage - Unlimited Death
The StK Ogres have a new montage vid out - you can grab it off the ComboVideos.com Halo videos page. 50 mb, WMP9 format (almost 11 minutes long). Some really nice moves... I learned stuff from this one. Thanks, BlazeD, for the heads-up. Update: ComboVideos went down last night - excessive bandwidth. HALOChat has put up a BitTorrent - you can grab it here. Update 2: Looks like HALOChat linked to the wrong file. Sorry, folks; don't bother downloading this one, it's just Ripp0n's montage all over again. If this gets fixed, I'll post again. Update 87: Whee, isn't this fun? There's a new torrent file available from our server - along with a little bit of starting bandwidth. Hopefully, enough folks can chime in to make this work! (Louis Wu 01:50:50 UTC)

February 12, 2005 Link to this post

Ogre Killing Spree back online
Last week, a movie showing Ogre 1 participating in a KotH game on Lockout and racking up an amazing 41-0 kill record started making the rounds. It crushed Boomerica.com for the month, in less than a day. It looks like if you haven't seen it, you can grab a copy off of Halo-Pro.com - thanks to GM KASH for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:30:45 UTC)

February 11, 2005 Link to this post

Delta Squad Episode 1
KingFarnox and the rest of Chronic V1RU5 Studios have created the first episode of a new machinima series, Delta Squad. Episode 1 is called 'Zanzibar: Hostage Rescue'. Camera work is very nice; has the feel of wartime journalism, at least at the start. Nice timing, nice moves. Originally a 23.7 mb WMP9, I created a 22.1 mb QuickTime as well. (The WMP9 is higher-quality; if you can view it, do so.) Both are 640x480, 4:18 long. Almost a week ago, Farnox posted a low-res QT version on our forum - this one is high-res, and far more polished. We're providing two mirrors each for the WMP9 (mythica.org | bungie.org) and QuickTime (mythica.org | bungie.org). Give it a look-see! (Louis Wu 22:17:17 UTC)

February 8, 2005 Link to this post

The Halo2CE Project - Spotlighted
There is a MASSIVE piece over at Bungie.net about HaloCE, and one of the most ambitious teams out there working with it - SketchFactor sat down for some serious in-depth interviews with the folks behind the Halo2CE project. NiTrOuSoXiDe, Mrs. Doublefire, Farsight, Kornman00, JamesD, Stefander, Kerr Halla, Supreme Taco, ZexGX, and rec0 all talk about how they got started, what they do for the team, and why they're at it. Their two major projects - New Mombasa (a recreation of the E3 2003 level, complete with Halo 2 weapons and armor) and Zanzibar (a near-perfect replica of the Halo 2 level) are out or updated this evening - visit the website to download copies. (They're 25 mb each, and this story is going to get a LOT of reads at B.net... so be patient.) Beyond the interviews, there's a whole chunk of info about Halo CE and what it's all about; longtime readers of this site might not need this recap, but there are plenty of folks who found Halo after Halo 2 was released; a summary of what's out there for the PC is a good thing. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 02:59:20 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

Perchance to Dream
Dennis Powers wrote to let us know that he's posted Episode 3 of his Halo CE Chronicles series - showing off the universe of Halo CE and exploring a more thoughtful side of the Halo experience. The Spartan manages to get lost... and scared. Luckily, the AI's along to help. Sort of. 3:31 long, Flash format. Go watch! (Louis Wu 23:43:28 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

Stubbin' it
Looks like the coverage of Stubbs the Zombie, the first title from Wideload Games (expected next summer and based on the Halo engine, justifying its presence here) is heating up again. Alex Seropian talked to 1Up.com via AIM - nice tidbits about the enhancements they've added to the engine, things like stealth and multicharacter animation, plus general background on the company - thanks, wideloadgames.org. And our very own Miguel Chavez scored some choice content himself, and then shot it over to mnemesis for posting on Bungie Sightings. Lots and lots of good info, including 3 new screenshots. Go read! (Louis Wu 22:12:04 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

Mommy, it's starting again...
Front-page this morning on Variety.com (login required, check the last entry at bugmenot.com) is a story called 'Halo, Hollywood'... Looks like Microsoft has hired screenwriter Alex Garland to adapt the games into a movie - they've signed a 'million-dollar-deal' with him. Apparently, the buzz is that Microsoft (and Bungie) won't be involved beyond the script development stage... hmm. The article also complains about 'spare' characterization for the protagonist - 'Little is known about "Master Chief."' (This has ALWAYS been one of the major stumbling blocks in the road to convert a video game (where the main character has to be empty enough to fit anyone playing him) to a movie (where we NEED to know a little something about the character in order to enjoy the work).) If you don't feel like jumping through the hoops to read this on Variety, there are summaries on IGN's FilmForce (thanks, Brian Linder) and Sci Fi WIre (thanks, rolly poly). There were some who said this day would never come... (Louis Wu 13:26:45 UTC)

February 3, 2005 Link to this post

Power - at your fingertips
The stats analysis options continue to improve - Tom Mathews has upgraded his Halo 2 Statistics Browser (screenshots show how powerful this is - here and here). (Louis Wu 14:53:09 UTC)

February 2, 2005 Link to this post

Ripp0n's vid... with lots of BW
Okay, that's it. We killed another account with Ripp0n's Montage... so I'm doing what I should have done at the start... and putting up a BitTorrent seed for it. If you wanted to get this earlier today, and couldn't... get it now. Update: Even easier - a direct download link (50mb). (Louis Wu 23:22:46 UTC)

February 2, 2005 Link to this post

Helljumper Hangout Art Contest
Randomhero has started an Art contest; entries can be almost anything (as long as they haven't been seen before), and you've got until Feburary 28 to submit. Full details, including a prize list, can be found at his 7th Column Group. (Louis Wu 11:24:38 UTC)

February 1, 2005 Link to this post

The Codex - coming soon
New video to watch - a preview of things to come. The project is called 'The Codex', and the trailer is a bit over 3 minutes of tight camera work, beautiful edits, and great coordination with the soundtrack. Hard to tell yet how the plot will hold up... but the trailer certainly leaves you wanting more! Visit their Videos page for download links for QuickTime and DivX formats. A thread was started up on our forum, as well... be sure to leave 'em some feedback! Update: As many, many of you have noticed, the Codex website is offline for going over their bandwidth limits. I'll see what we can do about getting local versions up here to help 'em out. (Louis Wu 02:15:43 UTC)

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