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Halo news back Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Halo news forward

It's a Floor Wax. It's a Dessert Topping!
Normally, we let speculation run its course on our forum - trying to decipher what Bungie meant with some obscure tidbit is more than half the fun, after all. Sometimes, though, the little stuff really gets in the way; our forum has been swamped today, for example, with debates about one of Cortana's dialogue snippets in the trailer - half the debaters believe she's saying 'I am your sword', and the other half hear 'I am your source'. Well, according to Marty O'Donnell, who really should know... it's 'sword'. Carry on. (Hey - did you notice how I slipped in a small Dialogue Databank update there, courtesy of KMS Ahrnaieanin? Slick, eh? Sorry it's in the Halo 2 bank; I don't have time to make up a Halo 3 bank right now. Soon.) (Louis Wu 20:51:25 UTC) (permalink)


Making Mountains out of... Plains
That Finn guy... looks like he dove right in, and pulled out some of the choicest morsels in the forum for the Story Page. Good stuff in there! (Louis Wu 18:46:23 UTC) (permalink)


Nice Master Chief Outfit
BARBARIC RAGE ran across a Flickr photo, shot last October (a Halloween costume?) of a really nice-looking Master Chief costume. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:55:52 UTC) (permalink)


Standard Response.
Stuntmutt's secrets, revealed, in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 14:03:08 UTC) (permalink)


Conquest, Part 1
More news that has nothing to do with Halo 3: Broken Console, the team behind 'The Squadron', has released Conquest, Part 1. It's a pretty massive piece of work; 21 minutes long, more than 120 mb in hi-res format - it tells the story of an attack on a pair of UESC ships, the Conquest and the Endeavor, and the subsequent aftermath; voice acting is great, cinematography is great, mods are used in pretty clever ways. Overall, a fantastic first half of a pretty cool miniseries. We're offering BC mirroring, because this puppy is big - you can grab the full-size versions (640x480) if you've got a larger pipe, or a half-size version (320x240) if 125 mb is too much for you.

WMP9: High Res (127 MB) | Low Res (67.1 mb)
QuickTime: High Res (124 MB) | Low Res (69.5 mb)

Most of these versions are available on the Broken Console site as well (links there are probably faster for EU residents). (Louis Wu 13:49:13 UTC) (permalink)


Screenshots for the BIG screen.
So... if you like the screenshots over at Bungie.net, but feel like they're not hi-res enough (they're only 1280x720, after all), or you're unhappy with the Bungie watermark... swing by the Xbox.com Press site, and grab the official press screenshots (70 mb, zipped). What do you get for those 70 megs? You get the 5 images in uncompressed TIFF format - 10-16 mb each - at the absurd resolution of 6400x3600. Wonga. (Louis Wu 13:28:35 UTC) (permalink)


Exclusive Elite for Comic-Con visitors
There's a bit of totally non-Halo-3-related news, as well, today - for example, Toynews International reports on an upcoming exclusive action figure - a Halo 2 White Multiplayer Elite; only 3000 will be made. You can only buy this, though, if you show up at the San Diego Comic-Con in July (though if there are any left after the show, Toyrocket.com will be selling them on their website.) Thanks, Littlebigman. (Louis Wu 13:18:34 UTC) (permalink)


Lots of Trailers Versions Online
There are a whole bunch of sites offering mirroring or re-encoding of the Halo 3 trailer; I really don't see a need to list them all, because the official sites (Bungie.net and Xbox.com) are doing an admirable job of keeping up with demand. (Bungie.net has actually re-released the WMP9 versions, because the original ones had some odd aspect stuff going on.) The one link that's probably worth passing on, though - at least if you're on a Windows box with a pretty fast processor - is the official press release of the 720p WMP version - 5.1 audio and all. It weighs in at 132 mb, and is USELESS for Mac users (it's encoded with Windows-only codecs), but it's as high-res as you're gonna get on the web. Thanks, MC Smoke. (And I'll mention the Halo: Portable versions, too, because there aren't a lot of places out there to grab versions for your PocketPC/iPod/PSP.) (Louis Wu 13:12:19 UTC) (permalink)


Forum High Gear
Predictably, the forum has exploded with speculation about yesterday's released trailer. Much of the discussion could be considered spoiler-laden, for folks either avoiding the trailer or still in the dark about the first two games... but I'm of the opinion that there's nothing here that Bungie doesn't want you to see. A few intriguing threads (by no means ALL the stuff worth reading):

  • Dogchow was the first, but Big Lou's version is nice, too - it's Cortana's voice, but who's really speaking?
  • Many, many threads are discussing the re-emergence of content from the Cortana letters, released 7 years ago, but left behind after some overzealous use by a now-ex-Bungie employee. Search for 'Cortana Letter', all, to find a few.
  • There are lots of people happy to see the Assault Rifle back, there's plenty of speculation about the Chief's visor reflection, people noticed stuff like missing Banshee pilots, and there are folks looking at some of the images flashing through the trailer, attempting to decipher hidden meanings. Pixel by pixel analysis continues apace.
  • Rachda and GLuebben took a look at the forerunner glyphs once again, in light of this trailer (check this post for a clearer version of GLeubben's PDF).

Again - this is by no means a comprehensive list. Over 1200 new posts have appeared on our forum in the last 24 hours (before this announcement, we were averaging 2-300/day). It's just a random selection of fun stuff. See what else you can find. (Louis Wu 12:53:01 UTC) (permalink)


Dean's LAN Fest winners... where r ya?
Of the three lucky winners of the Dean LAN fest raffle, only ONE has replied! So please, Brian Kirchhoff and Ben Thompson, check your email and get in touch with me! If I don't hear from you soon, you will forfeit your prize! (Ding 05:34:56 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo 3 Content Now Up
Content for EVERYONE
More Marketplace Content
Halo 3 - Announced
It's A Shirt, Jim.
The WPI Map
The Valley of the Forerunners Part 11
He'll Make You An Offer That You Can Refuse If You Want
Beautiful Needler - the Video
Marvel's HGN Ad
Shirt/Raffle Info

Monday's news in brief:

Halo, Halo, Everywhere
Was It Something He Said?
More MySpace Contact Box Options
Last T Update

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
