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Halo news back Friday, April 21, 2006 Halo news forward

Grif Goes Postal
Very nice. McGrude found this image in a Worth1000 contest - RvB stamps for Going Postal 6. If you're a member - go vote on it! (Louis Wu 23:15:28 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular Ep 59 - and the 1500 Campaign
Foo Mo Jive points out that Podtacular Episode 59 was released a bit ago... we're slacking. Go listen! They want to hit 1500 listeners by E3. (Louis Wu 22:19:56 UTC) (permalink)


Tournament News
A couple of tournament announcements - one I missed from earlier this week (sorry, XsAik0) in Northern Virginia - 2v2 on April 29, more details here or here, and one in West Chester Ohio - 4v4 on May 6 (thanks, Scooter). If you live in either area, check these out! (Louis Wu 22:16:34 UTC) (permalink)


Lots of new content over at Halo: Portable - you can find Mutha G's Lookie vid, a collection of Halo rap mp3s, Stephen Loftus' article on Phantoms, and some PSP wallpapers from Major.Dump. (And of course, later tonight you'll be able to find a portable version of the weekly update there, as well.) (Louis Wu 22:12:03 UTC) (permalink)


PwnCast Double Whammy
On the heels of this week's MLG news, MLG PwnCast releases Episode 10 (yes, 9 came out a couple of days ago) - go listen. (There's also a 'call to action' for anyone at MLG New York.) (Louis Wu 21:32:44 UTC) (permalink)


Didn't He Play Vir In Babylon 5?
A few folks saw this on Wednesday - but it's still relevant, and new to most. And given Frankie's postage recently, it's even MORE appropriate. Go check out today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 05:48:48 UTC) (permalink)


Helping an old-schooler realize a dream
If you've ever hunted for Halo gameplay vids to download, the name Hp-Fil4 is probably known to you; he runs a huge archive in Poland, and has often been the only source of specific games as a non-subscription download. Well... because he lives in Poland, he hasn't had much chance to compete against the best of the best... but that's going to change. He's planning to come over for the MD-Madn3ss Halo 1 event in mid-June... if his team, the Polish Dream Team, can put together the cash. If you want to see how these guys play, check out this forum thread at MLGPro.com, or this website, which has been put together to showcase the team, and to provide a Paypal link for anyone who wants to help them come here to play. Go watch - and if you can help, please do so! (Thanks to insidi0us for pointing this out!) (Louis Wu 05:42:12 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Fanfic - a bit early
Fifteen new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read! (Louis Wu 05:29:27 UTC) (permalink)


HaloCE Mapping Contest
DOMINATOR is offering $50 for the best HaloCE map submitted to him by mid-June - go read this forum post for more details. Careful, though - he's reserved the right to give himself the prize... (Louis Wu 05:04:58 UTC) (permalink)


Music, Music Everywhere
Couple of articles out of Bungie.net today, both related to Halo music. The first update is about the upcoming PLAY! concert in Chicago on May 27th. Marty and Mike Salvatori will both be on hand to hang out and sign autographs. The second article is about a music mash-up contest being run by Sumthing Else Musicworks, Inc. Contestants will remix tracks of the Halo 2 Volume 2 soundtrack and be judged by both the community and a panel of celebrity gamers, composers and musicians. Frankie gets leet forum credz for pointing out both of these stories first. (KP 01:30:26 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

MLG PwnCast Ep 9
Team3D's Halo Division Leaves Home
Lookie w/lyrix!

Wednesday's news in brief:

Bungie Needs a New Webmaster
Level One Halo 2 Tourney
Where's Ctrl+C On This Thing?
Remember The Dead

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